Recent Submissions
Russia – the “True Europe” or a “Unique Civilization”?: Towards a Genealogy of two Post-Soviet Ideas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)“Russia as the true Europe” has become a popular idea in Russian political discourse and ideology production. However, it conflicts with another dominant commonplace idea: “Russia as non-Western” or “Russia as a unique, ... -
Children's and parents' experiences of home care provided by hospital staff: A scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aims: To describe what is known from existing scientific literature on children's and parents’ experiences of hospital-based home care and to identify future research areas. Design: The scoping review design used ... -
Literature search on leadership in kindergartens in the Nordic countries
(Research report, 2024)This search was developed for the Meta-study “The governing foundation for enactment of kindergarten leadership in the Nordic countries” (Project no. NPHZ-2022/10009), which aims to look at research on leadership in ... -
Det åpenbare, eller: Deconstructing Harry
(Journal article, 2005)Essay om Harry Potter, brukt som polemisk eksempel mot en påstand om at «allalderlitteratur» er «et bedre uttrykk enn barnelitteratur». -
The concept of creativity in Georges Florovsky’s thought
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article discusses the meanings of “creativity”—tvorchestvo—as we encounter it in Georges Florovsky’s thought, first and foremost in his magnum opus Ways of Russian Theology (1937). Tvorchestvo had by this time become ... -
Literature search for Parental loss – parents dead by suicide or substance abuse
(Research report, 2023)Search strategies for Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cinahl, SocIndex, Scopus and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. -
Georgii Fedotov as a Theologian of Culture
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The article discusses the notion of culture as it appears and is conceptualized in the works of G.P. Fedotov. The analysis focuses on two articles by Fedotov published in Russian émigré journals, "The Holy Spirit in Nature ... -
Ivan Karamazov as a Philosophical Type —But Which One and in What Ways? A Narratological Reading of a Philosophical Novel
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The article analyzes a set of philosophical statements made by and attributed to Ivan Karamazov in The Brothers Karamazov, in order to answer the question as to what kind of philosophy Ivan may be said to express in the ... -
Quality of life among patients living with advanced breast cancer receiving palliative care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The quality of life (QoL) of women living with metastatic breast cancer and receiving palliative care needs more attention. We reviewed published studies (1992–2019) examining QoL of women receiving palliative care. The ... -
Systematic search for literature on Exercise training in Duchenne Muscular disorder
(Others, 2021)The search was developed for searching EMBASE with an Ovid interface (figure 1). The subject headings/thesaurus terms were adapted to each of the other databases that has a thesaurus. The same textwords were searched in ... -
Russkaja religioznaja filosofija v sekuljarnyj vek
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)В статье рассматривается понятие «русская религиозная философия» как своего рода философский канон русского религиозного идеализма, созданный Владимиром Соловьевым и развитый в работах прежде всего Сергея Булгакова и Николая ... -
Digital zoom of the full-field digital mammogram versus magnification mammography: a systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objectives To summarise and compare the performance of magnification mammography and digital zoom utilising a full-field digital mammography (FFDM) system in the detection and diagnosis of microcalcifications. Methods We ... -
Universalising idealism: The cross-cultural case of Russian religious thought
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The article analyses the idealist dimension of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Russian religious thought as it appears in key works by Vladimir Solov’ev (1853–1900), Sergei Bulgakov (1871–1944) and Nikolai ... -
De praktiske og estetiske fagene i skole og lærerutdanning – historisk konseptualisering
(Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i fagene kroppsøving, kunst- og håndverk, mat og helse og musikk i skole og lærerutdanning. Faggruppen benevnes ofte som praktiske og estetiske fag. Vi undersøker hvordan konseptualisering av ... -
Webundersøking av HVL-biblioteket sine nettsider
(Report, 2019)Undersøkelsen hadde som formål å avklare hvordan studentene ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet finner frem på bibliotekets nettsider, hvorvidt de klarte å finne frem informasjonen de så etter, samt hvor enkelt de syntes det var. ... -
“Students Can Write!”: How Can Students Explore and Improve their Writing by Using Different Academic Genres, Sources and Voices?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)One purpose of this article is to shed light upon the concept of voice in writing, related to genres and sources in humanities. Another purpose is to participate in the academic discussion on voice. We want to raise awareness ... -
«På Tvers. Regional tilgang til forskingsressursar» Fase 3: Vurdering av modellar og mogelege løysingar
(Report, 2018-12)På bakgrunn av tilrådingane som var gjort i fase II, valde vi primært å arbeide vidare med å sjå på ein modell der ein liten institusjon kan bli administrert og kome med på avtalar for digital vitskapleg forskingslitteratur ... -
Kunsten å forstå digitale tanker: Hvordan algoritmer danner grunnlaget for den digitale kommunikasjonen med bakgrunn i samfunnsmessige, sosiologiske og digitale faktorer.
(Master thesis, 2017)Algorithms are today a digital tool, which gives the internet a different setting to how and why users, the technology within and different stakeholders choose to interact and communicate. This master's thesis places the ... -
Open access : en forfatters dilemma
(Others, 2008-09-30)