Browsing Institutt for maritime studier by Title
Now showing items 106-125 of 202
Life cycle analysis of aluminum for use on a vessels hull
(Master thesis, 2023)Due to the climate change the world is currently experiencing and the growing emphasis on the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, all stages of a fabrication and construction process should be evaluated to be as climate ... -
Lifetime extension and Repowering of Offshore Wind Farm – Financial viability, GHG reduction, and Monopile reinforcement.
(Master thesis, 2021)Offshore wind is the fastest-growing sustainable energy source gradually replacing fossil fuels. Aside from addressing arising challenges like logistic, infrastructure, and recycling, there is the challenge of making the ... -
Local management and its impact on safety culture and safety
(Chapter, 2009)This paper addresses safety culture on tankers and bulk carriers and which factors affect the safety culture onboard vessels. The empirical setting for the study is the Norwegian shipping industry. Safety management is ... -
Logical grouping of data and control functions on the displays of shipboard navigation systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Standards IEC 62288:2014 and MSC.191(79) require information on the displays of shipboard navigation systems to be logically grouped, but only provide limited specification for this ‘logical’ criterion. Meanwhile, complex ... -
Lorentzian geometry and variability reduction in airplane boarding: Slow passengers first outperforms random boarding
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Airlines use different boarding policies to organize the queue of passengers waiting to enter the airplane. We analyze three policies in the many-passenger limit by a geometric representation of the queue position and row ... -
Lorentzian-geometry-based analysis of airplane boarding policies highlights “slow passengers first” as better
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We study airplane boarding in the limit of a large number of passengers using geometric optics in a Lorentzian metric. The airplane boarding problem is naturally embedded in a (1+1)-dimensional space-time with a flat ... -
Machine learning as an optimisation enabler for ship management companies
(Master thesis, 2023)The strong focus on sustainability from global and local perspectives is affecting the shipping industry, with new regulations coming into force and expectations aiming to create greener ship transportation and operations. ... -
Den maritime hovedstaden
(Chronicle, 2011-05-04) -
Maritime studenter til Brasil
(Chronicle, 2011-07-04) -
Medvirkende årsaksfaktorer til grunnstøtinger for lasteskip
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Our topic for this task is: “Causal factors that contribute to grounding of cargo vessels” The maritime industry has long had a strong focus on safety and through our learning’s in Nautical Studies; we’ve found that there ... -
The mesoscale order of nacreous pearls
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)A pearl’s distinguished beauty and toughness are attributable to the periodic stacking of aragonite tablets known as nacre. Nacre has naturally occurring mesoscale periodicity that remarkably arises in the absence of ... -
A methodology for collecting donning times of thermal protective immersion suits intended to be worn by passengers on vessels operating in cold environments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Adequate thermal protection for passengers travelling on-board vessels in cold climate regions, such as that provided by thermal protective immersion suits (TPIS), enhances passenger survivability in emergency situations, ... -
Methods for decommission of offshore wind parks on the basis of the knowledge from the oil- and gas industry
(Master thesis, 2019)The decommission of offshore wind farms is a relatively new field in the renewable energy area and has yet to be fully industrialized. Through the EU-project Interreg VB North Sea Region programme and DecomTools, this ... -
Motivasjon og holdninger til HMS og rapportering ombord
(Bachelor thesis, 2008)Denne oppgaven handler om motivasjon og holdninger til HMS og rapportering ombord. Problemstillingen for oppgaven var: Hvordan påvirker rederiene og kollegaer den enkelte arbeidstakers motivasjon og holdninger til HMS og ... -
Motivasjon og læring hos maskinkadetter
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Muligheter og utfordringer med digitalisering på maritime fartøy
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven har temaet digitalisering og målet har vært å undersøke hvordan bruk av digitale løsninger påvirker den daglige driften på offshore fartøy, hvilke muligheter og utfordringer fører dette med seg. Videre ... -
Navigasjonsulykker i norske farvann
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-07-30)Vi har i denne oppgaven forholdt oss til problemstillingen: ”Analyse av medvirkende årsaksfaktorer til navigasjonsulykker i norske farvann” Det er i dag i den maritime næringen økt fokus på sikkerhet, men det er fortsatt ... -
Navigatørers bruk av ECDIS: En vurdering av menneskelig tillit til automatiserte informasjonssystem
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
Nedising av skip i arktiske farvann
(Bachelor thesis, 2018) -
Norske matrosar sine synspunkt kring marin forsøpling
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)