Browsing Fakultet for økonomi og samfunnsvitskap / Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 551-570 of 1628
Hjemmesykepleien og fastleger på samme lag: Et robust tverrfaglig team med pasienten i fokus?: Et studie av samhandlingen mellom hjemmesykepleien og fastleger i kommunehelsetjenesten
(Master thesis, 2014-09-09)Titttel og sammendrag: Hjemmesykepleien og fastleger på samme lag. Et robust tverrfaglig team med pasienten i fokus? En studie av samhandling mellom hjemmesykepleien og fastleger i kommunehelsetjenesten. Bakgrunn: Samhandling ... -
HMS-arbeid i helseføretak
(Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn og hensikt: Helseføretaka er gjennom det regulative lovverket og overordna føringar pålagt og drive eit systematisk HMS-og kvalitetsarbeid for å sikre eit heilskapleg forbetringsarbeid og ei berekraftig utvikling ... -
Holmenkollen sommerfestival – hva gikk galt?
(Bachelor thesis, 2013) -
“Hot Case-workers and Squint-eyed Whores” - Sexual Harassment of Norwegian Social- and Health Care Students in Practical Training
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Sexual harassment is a societal challenge. Youth, women, students, and health care professionals are some of the groups most at risk for experiencing sexual harassment. In this study, we examine how higher education ... -
“Hot Case-workers and Squint-eyed Whores” - Sexual Harassment of Norwegian Social- and Health Care Students in Practical Training
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Sexual harassment is a societal challenge. Youth, women, students, and health care professionals are some of the groups most at risk for experiencing sexual harassment. In this study, we examine how higher education ... -
Hotel Mundal i mellomkrigstiden: Økonomisk utvikling sammenlignet med utvikling i norsk reiseliv
(Bachelor thesis, 2015) -
House price valuation of environmental amenities. An application of GIS-derived data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Hedonic house price models are frequently used to improve our understanding of local housing markets. In recent years, rich registers containing details about home‐qualities and neighbourhood characteristics have successfully ... -
Housing Price Gradients in a Region with One Dominating Center
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007-07-01)This paper primarily focuses on predicting housing price gradients in a Norwegian region with one dominating center. Spatial separation is represented by a function of the traveling distance from the city center in a ... -
Hovefestivalens miljøarbeid og festivaldeltagernes bevissthet rundt dette
(Bachelor thesis, 2012) -
How are the differences of the perceived values of the firms on services provided by Business Incubators and those of Industry Gardens? Considerations for promoting those values.
(Master thesis, 2020)In Norway, there are a lot of business companies and the institutions that help the companies by providing necessary facilitations and mentoring so that those companies can operate effectively, survive, and get growth in ... -
How do BRM-training participants understand non-technical skills?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Non-technical skills (NTS) can be defined as “the cognitive, social and personal resource skills that complement technical skills and contribute to safe and efficient task performance” (Flin et al. 2008, Safety at the sharp ... -
How Hybrid Organizations Respond to Institutional Complexity: The Case of Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In past decades, hybrid organizations and institutional complexity have received growing attention, yet questions remain about how hybrids manage institutional complexity in the Nordic welfare states. This article investigates ... -
How to ensure well control when performing permanent plug and abandonment operations
(Master thesis, 2022)On the Norwegian Continental Shelf there are over 5 000 well paths drilled for the extraction of oil and gas. Before the Norwegian oil and gas adventure could be brought to an end, all of these well paths would need to be ... -
Hva betyr kunstig intelligens for regnskapsbransjen?
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
Hva er fremtidens slaktemetode for oppdrettslaks?
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Hva er konsekvensene av å satse på vindkraft på kommunalt nivå?
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Hva er medhjelpers rolle under tvangssalg, og hva bør kjøpere være oppmerksom på?
(Bachelor thesis, 2016) -
Hva er mest økonomisk lønnsomt, eie eller leie?
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Hva er SkatteFUNN, og hvilken betydning har den siste utvidelsen av ordningen for næringslivet på Haugalandet? Vil styrkingen stimulere til økt FoU i bedriftene?
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-07-15)SkatteFUNN er en rettighetsbasert skattefradragsordning for alle virksomheter i Norge. Den ble innført i 2002 av Stortinget som et tiltak for å stimulere næringslivet til økt FoU-arbeid. I oppgaven gir vi en innføring i ...