Browsing Fakultet for økonomi og samfunnsvitskap / Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1578-1597 of 1622
Vurdering av rusprogrammer i skolen
(Forebyggende innsatser i skolen. Rapport, Chapter, 2006)Rapporten har til hensikt å gi skoleeiere, skoleledere og lærere et godt grunnlag for å drive forebyggende arbeid i skolehverdagen. Mye av den proaktive og reaktive pedagogiske praksisen i norsk skole bygger på subjektive ... -
Vurdering av skips utrangeringsverdi etter IFRS og GRS
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Vurdering for læring og læraren sin vurderingspraksis: Ein kvantitativ studie blant lærarar i vidaregåande skule i Sogn og Fjordane
(Master thesis, 2015)Utgangspunktet for oppgåva var å evaluere fylkeskommunen si satsing på vurdering for læring, noko som har vore gjennomført ved alle dei vidaregåande skulane i fylket, som ein del av den store nasjonale satsinga. ... -
Vurderingar : kvalifisering til verdfull samfunnsvitskap
(Doctoral thesis, 2003) -
Water-Thermal Energy Production System: A Case Study from Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The purpose of this paper is to describe a new way of producing renewable energy based on fjords as a water heater. We will call this system the Water-thermal Energy Production System (WEPS), because the basic idea is to ... -
Way-finding on-board training for maritime vessels
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In the maritime industry, it is of vital importance that personnel onboard ships are familiarized with the ship’s layout, along with safety equipment and processes for safeguarding of the individual seafarer and the ship’s ... -
We Are All Interdependent': A Study of Relationships Between Migrant Live-in Carers And Employers in Taiwan
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)For the past three decades, to meet the increasing need for long-term care, the Taiwanese government’s primary approach has been to import migrant care workers. In this article, we analyse qualitative interview data produced ... -
“We don’t feel like we are part of the project” An analysis of tensions in the development and implementation of a public sector innovation project in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Some of the extant literature on collaborative public sector innovation seems to assume that collaboration per se implies a positive outcome. Recent research, however, has demonstrated that innovation processes may take ... -
We must cross the bridges and invest in public transport
(Others, 2019) -
Were the 2022 Summer Heatwaves a Strong Cause of Europe’s Excess Deaths?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)During the 2022 summer, Europe experienced heatwaves with record temperatures, and a study has argued that they caused about 62,000 deaths between 30 May and 4 September. The total number of excess deaths during the same ... -
What are the operational difficulties and risks related to use of new types of fuels for marine applications?
(Master thesis, 2023)As of recent IMO committed that the next big deadline is set to be in 2050 for the shipping industry, by this time all emissions must be halved. To meet the future emission demands which are set by the IMO; the shipping ... -
What Might Be Required for Inspections to Be Considered Fair?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Tama et al offer us an interesting analysis of a piloted regulatory reform that introduced a Joint Health Inspections (JHIs) system in three Kenyan counties. The study highlights key factors facilitating or hindering the ... -
What promotes motivation and learning in project management students?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article discusses what promotes motivation and learning in students of project management. It is based on a qualitative study with six students from different project groups at a higher education institution in Norway. ... -
What Triggers Us to Be Involved in Martial Arts? Relationships between Motivations and Gender, Age and Training Experience
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The study aims to recognize the motivations to engage in judo depending on gender, age and level of sports experience among nonelite judokas from the Greater Poland region because previous studies mostly concerned the ... -
When do I get to say we?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
When travelling ideas meet local contexts: Norwegian teachers trying out 'lesson study'
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)This article reports on a study of a small sample of Norwegian teachers trying out the Lesson Study idea that aimed to explore what happens when globally travelling reform ideas are enacted in local contexts. -
Who Am I Really? Concept of the Self, Body Image, and Buying Behavior
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Linking the symbolic value of goods purchased in the marketplace with the psychological construct of an individual’s self-concept can be seen as a specific means of developing a theoretical approach to consumer behavior. ... -
Who cares for the carer? The suffering, struggles and unmet needs of older women caring for husbands living with cognitive decline
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: The Nordic welfare states have been called the ‘caring states’. However, increasingly, less money is spent on long-term care for older persons than on care for younger persons. Additionally, a strong ... -
Why do universities have little systemic impact with social innovation? An institutional logics perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Social innovation has been increasingly regarded as an instrument through which transformative structural change, necessary to address grand societal challenges can be achieved. Social innovations are encouraged by the ... -
Wild camping and the weight of tourism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Wild camping forms a specific social reality within which tourists often claim not to be tourists and within which the capitalist practices central to tourism are messy. Yet, wild camping exemplifies the core idea in ...