Import fra CRIStin: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 3627
The Backscatter Gating method for time, energy, and position resolution characterization of long form factor organic scintillators
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This work details a Compton-scattering-based methodology, referred to as Backscatter Gating (BSG), for characterizing the time, energy, and position resolutions of long form factor organic scintillators using a single, ... -
How do professional helpers in municipality’s health and welfare services relate to persons bereaved by illicit drug use? Qualitative research
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduction: This doctoral study was carried out between 2020 and 2023 in the Department of Welfare and Participation at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and is part of the END project (Drug Death Related ... -
Forteljingar om å bygge vennskap, nettverk og sosial tilhøyrsle: Ei kvalitativ studie av langvarige recoveryprosessar etter problematisk rusmiddelbruk
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlinga utforskar erfaringar med å vere i langvarige recoveryprosessar etter problematisk rusmiddelbruk. Med utgangspunkt i eit fortolkande paradigme undersøkte eg følgande overordna problemstilling: Korleis ... -
The Equilibrist Hope: Perspectives & prospectives on cultural-creative crowdfunding
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)This doctoral dissertation aims to grasp how cultural-creative crowdfunding (CCCF) can be comprehended as a responsible innovation within (and for) the culture sector, by understanding its potentialities as not only an ... -
Narratives of Symbolic Objects: Exploring Relational Wellbeing of Young Refugees Living in Scotland, Finland, and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: In this study, objects are used as a representation of relational wellbeing to help young refugees living in Norway, Scotland, and Finland to talk about important persons who make them feel well. At the time ... -
How valid is a prescription-based multimorbidity index (Rx-risk) in predicting mortality in the Outcomes and Multimorbidity In Type 2 diabetes (OMIT) study? A nation-wide registry-based cohort study from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objective The prescription-based Rx-risk index has previously been developed to measure multimorbidity. We aimed to adapt and evaluate the validity of the Rx-risk index in prediction of mortality among persons with type 2 ... -
The flexibility of family co-ordinators in complex family interventions: building relations over time with families living in sustained poverty
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Complex family interventions represent innovative yet contested policy approaches to child poverty and their follow-up with families with complex needs laid down in several national policies. Across welfare state regime ... -
Virtual Reality for Fire and Rescue Service professionals’ training
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)The captivating realm of extended reality technology, encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), has rapidly garnered attention within the realms of education and training. While ... -
Russia – the “True Europe” or a “Unique Civilization”?: Towards a Genealogy of two Post-Soviet Ideas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)“Russia as the true Europe” has become a popular idea in Russian political discourse and ideology production. However, it conflicts with another dominant commonplace idea: “Russia as non-Western” or “Russia as a unique, ... -
Evaluation of K-Means Time Series Clustering Based on Z-Normalization and NP-Free
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Despite the widespread use of k-means time series clustering in various domains, there exists a gap in the literature regarding its comprehensive evaluation with different time series preprocessing approaches. This paper ... -
How Did Breast Cancer Patients Fare during Different Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway Compared to Age-Matched Controls?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Little is known about how health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in breast cancer cases differed from that of controls during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used data from an ongoing, nationwide HRQoL survey ... -
The social health and help needs of those bereaved by a drug-related death: Mixed methods research
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduksjon: Dette doktorgradsprosjektet har satt søkelys på hjelpebehov, opplevelser av hjelp fra fagfolk, og den sosiale helsen hos etterlatte ved et narkotikarelatert dødsfall. Doktorgradsprosjektet er en del av ... -
Investigating the damage development in threaded fasteners by simulating crack-propagation using numerical methods
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)This project aims to use crack-propagation modelling to investigate a real case in the industry. In particular, the investigation is directed towards the development of a fatigue crack in a connecting rod big end bolt using ... -
Kvigno. Eit busetnadsnamn frå Lærdal i Indre Sogn
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores the methodological challenges posed by the toponym Kvigno from Lærdal municipality in Indre Sogn (Western Norway). The name has no known appellative counterpart, and the evidence for it is limited to ... -
The integration experiences of older Finnish re-migrants: ‘Embraced by the Swedes … but Finland is my home country’
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Why older people re-migrate is topic of interest in relation to both integration and return experiences. Despite an overall research interest for the older re-migrants, the oldest age groups (65 or older) are more sparsely ... -
Hopeful, but Worried for the Future: An Analysis of the Lived Consequences of Colonisation as Narrated by Older South Sámi in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Various forms of colonisation and discrimination processes are unfortunately common to Indigenous Peoples worldwide. In this article, the focus is the lived consequences of colonisation in the Norwegian part of Sápmi (the ... -
Læreres fortellinger fra kulturelt mangfoldige klasserom – monokulturelle eller interkulturelle?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Use of a mobile application for learning evidence-based practice: A multi-method approach
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) involves making informed decisions about the best patient care. Practicing and learning EBP is guided by the following five steps: asking questions (Ask), searching for research ... -
Å øve på observasjon som kjernepraksis i lærerutdanningen. Lærerstudenters erfaringer med observasjon som verktøy i første studieår
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)Dette kapitlet er en kvalitativ casestudie basert på empiri fra et fokusgruppeintervju og analyser av studenters refleksjonstekster. Temaet er observasjon som metode i lærerutdanningen trinn 1–7. Studien handler om hvordan ... -
Lærerstudenters arbeid med planlegging av utforskende undervisning i skolen. Erfaringer med bruk av 5E modellen i alle fag.
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)I dette kapitlet presenteres erfaringer og funn fra et FoU-prosjekt om planlegging av utforskende undervisning ved grunnskolelærerutdanningen ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL). Deltakere var tredjeårsstudenter ved GLU 1–7 ...