Browsing Institutt for sikkerheit, kjemi- og bioingeniørfag by Title
Now showing items 313-332 of 483
Mobile deteksjons- og slokkeanlegg med hensikt å heve brannsikkerhetsnivået hos eldre hjemmeboende pasienter
(Master thesis, 2019)Nasjonal målsetning er at ingen skal omkomme i brann. I arbeidet mot å nå denne målsetningen er det naturlig å søke informasjon i brannstatistikken, og det er da mulig å identifisere hvem som er risikoutsatt med hensyn til ... -
Modeling burns for pre-cooled skin flame exposure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Modeling Drying of Degenerated Calluna vulgaris for Wildfire and Prescribed Burning Risk Assessment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Research highlights: Moisture diffusion coefficients for stems and branches of degenerated Calluna vulgaris L. have been obtained and a mathematical model for the drying process has been developed and validated as an input ... -
Modeling Indoor Relative Humidity and Wood Moisture Content as a Proxy for Wooden Home Fire Risk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Severe wooden home conflagrations have previously been linked to the combination of very dry indoor climate in inhabited buildings during winter time, resulting in rapid fire development and strong winds spreading the fire ... -
Modeling skin injury from hot rice porridge spills
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Modeling Skin Injury from Hot Spills on Clothing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Modellering av CO2- og CO- produksjon i rombranner
(Bachelor thesis, 2005)Formålet med oppgaven var å sette opp en modell som kan benyttes for å bestemme mengden av CO og CO2 til bruk i en sone-modell, i dette tilfellet er modellen tiltenkt Argos. Den matematiske modellen settes opp i Excel. Det ... -
Modelling breakdown of industrial thermal insulation during fire exposure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aging of many of the installations in the oil and gas industry may increase the likelihood of loss of containment of flammable substances, which could lead to major accidents. Flame temperatures in a typical hydrocarbon ... -
Modelling forest fire spread using Cellular Automata
(Master thesis, 2022)Forest fires are common events that have been a part of the human race since 1.5 millions years BP. Despite forest fires being a natural part of our environment, many consider them problematic due to the perception of a ... -
Modernisering av overordnet HMS-håndbok ved Bergen Brannvesen
(Bachelor thesis, 2003)Tema for rapporten har vært HMS-systemer som styringsverktøy for å oppfylle krav iht. lover og forskrifter i arbeidslivet, og hvordan sikre at HMS-arbeidet drives på en systematisk og effektiv måte for å oppnå kontinuerlig ... -
Modulation of phospho-proteins by interferon-alpha and valproic acid in acute myeloid leukemia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose Valproic acid (VPA) is suggested to be therapeutically beneficial in combination with interferon-alpha (IFNα) in various cancers. Therefore, we examined IFNα and VPA alone and in combinations in selected AML models, ... -
Monocytter i Autoimmun Addisons Sykdom: antall monocytter og deres potensiale til å bli aktiverte
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Nitrogenbasert slokkesystem for brann i maskinrom
(Bachelor thesis, 2006)Etter at halon ble forbudt som slokkemiddel, er det CO2- anlegg som står for majoriteten av slokkesystemene for maskinrom. I samarbeid med Vassnes Elektro og Westcon ønsker vi å se nærmere på punktslokking med N2 kombinert ... -
A novel splice-affecting HNF1A variant with large population impact on diabetes in Greenland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background The genetic disease architecture of Inuit includes a large number of common high-impact variants. Identification of such variants contributes to our understanding of the genetic aetiology of diseases and improves ... -
Numerical analysis of fire-driven smoke plumes in the atmosphere
(Master thesis, 2017)Plumes originating from fires may serve as a risk for people and environmental safety. Depending on what fuels a fire the content of the plume will vary [1]. From simple carbonaceous soot particulates, known to cause ... -
Numerical Investigation of the Required Quantity of Inert Gas Agents in Fire Suppression Systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Inert gas agents have the potential to be widely used in fire suppression systems due to health and safety concerns associated with active chemicals. To suppress fire while minimizing hypoxic effects in an occupied area, ... -
Numerical study of downscaling the Runehamar tunnel fire te
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-06-14)An increase in tunnels in Norway, have brought forth a higher demand for safety measures, amongst others, fire safety. Experimental fire safety data from tunnels that contributes to solving engineering problems with low ... -
Numerical study of the airflow criterion of pressurization systems using Fire Dynamics Simulator
(Master thesis, 2020)Smoke control systems are used to prevent the spread of fire and smoke within buildings. Typical areas to be protected are the egress routes, atriums, and areas with larger fire loads. Smoke control systems prevent excessive ... -
Nytteverdien av et samvirkesenter: Vurdering av samvirke før og under Sykkel-VM 2017 i Bergen
(Report, 2018-06-29)Et godt samvirke er nødvendig for å kunne håndtere ulykker og kriser på en god måte. Hvis en hendelse har et omfang eller er av en slik natur at en enkelt aktør alene ikke er i stand til å håndtere hendelsen, må flere ... -
Oljebruk i vannkraft fra et helse- og ytre miljøperspektiv
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)