Browsing HVL Open by Author "Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
A Sanitization Approach to Secure Shared Data in an IoT Environment
Lin, Chun Wei; Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Djenouri, Youcef; Chen, Chun-Hao; Zhang, Yuyu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Internet of Things (IoT) supports high flexibility and convenience in several applications because the IoT devices continuously transfer, share, and exchange data without human intervention. During shared or exchanged ... -
Analytics of high average-utility patterns in the industrial internet of things
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Li, Zhongcui; Srivastava, Gautam; Yun, Unil; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Recently, revealing more valuable information except for quantity value for a database is an essential research field. High utility itemset mining (HAUIM) was suggested to reveal useful patterns by average-utility measure ... -
Dynamic maintenance model for high average-utility pattern mining with deletion operation
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Teng, Qian; Tayeb, Shahab; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The high average-utility itemset mining (HAUIM) was established to provide a fair measure instead of genetic high-utility itemset mining (HUIM) for revealing the satisfied and interesting patterns. In practical applications, ... -
The Efficient Mining of Skyline Patterns from a Volunteer Computing Network
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Teng, Qian; Srivastava, Gautam; Pirouz, Matin; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In the ever-growing world, the concepts of High-utility Itemset Mining (HUIM) as well as Frequent Itemset Mining (FIM) are fundamental works in knowledge discovery. Several algorithms have been designed successfully. ... -
Fuzzy high-utility pattern mining in parallel and distributed Hadoop framework
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Srivastava, Gautam; Wei, Min; Yun, Unil; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Over the past decade, high-utility itemset mining (HUIM) has received widespread attention that can emphasize more critical information than was previously possible using frequent itemset mining (FIM). Unfortunately, HUIM ... -
GFSOM: Genetic Feature Selection for Ontology Matching
Belhadi, Hiba; Akli-Astouati, Karima; Djenouri, Youcef; Lin, Chun Wei; Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper studies the ontology matching problem and proposes a genetic feature selection approach for ontology matching (GFSOM), which exploits the feature selection using the genetic approach to select the most appropriate ... -
A graph-based CNN-LSTM stock price prediction algorithm with leading indicators
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Li, Zhongcui; Herencsar, Norbert; Vo, Bay; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In today’s society, investment wealth management has become a mainstream of the contemporary era. Investment wealth management refers to the use of funds by investors to arrange funds reasonably, for example, savings, bank ... -
Incrementally Updating the Discovered High Average-Utility Patterns With the Pre-Large Concept
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Teng, Qian; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Cheng, Chien-Fu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)High average-utility itemset mining (HAUIM) is an extension of high-utility itemset mining (HUIM), which provides a reliable measure to reveal utility patterns by considering the length of the mined pattern. Some research ... -
Linguistic frequent pattern mining using a compressed structure
Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Ahmed, Usman; Srivastava, Gautam; Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Hong, Tzung-Pei; Djenouri, Youcef (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Traditional association-rule mining (ARM) considers only the frequency of items in a binary database, which provides insufficient knowledge for making efficient decisions and strategies. The mining of useful information ... -
A ML-Based Stock Trading Model for Profit Predication
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Sun, Lingyun; Srivastava, Gautam; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Chapter, 2021)This paper uses a new convolutional neural network framework to collect data on leading indicators including historical prices and their futures and options, and use arrays as the input map of the CNN framework for stock ... -
A novel synergetic LSTM-GA stock trading suggestion system in Internet of Things
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Sun, Lingyun; Srivastava, Gautam; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The Internet of Things (IoT) play an important role in the financial sector in recent decades since several stock prediction models can be performed accurately according to IoT-based services. In real-time applications, ... -
A Stock Trading Expert System Established by the CNN-GA-Based Collaborative System
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Sun, Lingyun; Srivastava, Gautam; Díaz, Vicente García; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article uses a new convolutional neural network framework, which has good performance for time series feature extraction and stock price prediction. This method is called the stock sequence array convolutional neural ... -
The density-based clustering method for privacy-preserving data mining
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Lin, Chun Wei; Fournier-Viger, Philippe; Djenouri, Youcef; Chen, Chun-Hao; Li, Zhongcui (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Privacy-preserving data mining has become an interesting and emerging issue in recent years since it can, not only hide the sensitive information but still mine the meaningful knowledge at the same time. Since privacy-preserving ... -
A Tool based on ML-driven Graphical Model for Stock Price Prediction by Leading Indicators
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai; Li, Zhongcui; Srivastava, Gautam; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Stock prediction has become an emerging issue in recent decades and many studies have incorporated it with social systems to provide a better accuracy for the prediction results. Machine learning (ML) model is widely studied ...