Browsing HVL Open by Author "Richards, David A"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
COVID-NURSE: Evaluation of a fundamental nursing care protocol compared with care as usual on experience of care for noninvasively ventilated patients in hospital with the SARS-CoV-2 virus-Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Richards, David A; Sugg, Holly V.R.; Cockcroft, Emma; Cooper, Joanne; Cruickshank, Susanne; Doris, Faye; Hulme, Claire; Logan, Phillipa; Iles-Smith, Heather; Meléndez-Torres, Gerardo J.; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Reed, Nigel; Russell, Anne-Marie; Shepherd, Maggie; Singh, Sally J.; Coon, Jo Thompson; Tooze, Susannah; Wootton, Stephen; Abbott, Rebecca; Bethel, Alison; Creanor, Siobhan; Quinn, Lynne; Tripp, Harry; Warren, Fiona C.; Whear, Rebecca; Bollen, Jessica; Hunt, Harriet A.; Kent, Merryn; Morgan, Leila; Morley, Naomi; Romanczuk, Lidia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Introduction Patient experience of nursing care is correlated with safety, clinical effectiveness, care quality, treatment outcomes and service use. Effective nursing care includes actions to develop nurse–patient relationships ... -
Efficacy and moderators of cognitive therapy versus behavioural activation for adults with depression: study protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data
Driessen, Ellen; Cohen, Zachary D.; Lorenzo-Luaces, Lorenzo; Hollon, Steven D.; Richards, David A; Dobson, Keith S.; Dimidjian, Sona; Delgadillo, Jaime; Vázquez, Fernando L.; McNamara, Kathleen; Horan, John J.; Gardner, Pauline; Oei, Tian P.; Mehta, Anuj H. P.; Twisk, Jos W. R.; Cristea, Ioana A.; Cuijpers, Pim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Cognitive therapy and behavioural activation are both widely applied and effective psychotherapies for depression, but it is unclear which works best for whom. Individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis ... -
Electronic capturing of patient-reported outcome measures on a touchscreen computer in clinical diabetes practice (the DiaPROM trial): a feasibility study
Hernar, Ingvild; Graue, Marit; Richards, David A; Strandberg, Ragnhild Bjarkøy; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Tell, Grethe S.; Haugstvedt, Anne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is demanding, and emotional problems may impair ability for diabetes self-management. Thus, diabetes guidelines recommend regular assessment of such problems. Using patient-reported ... -
Evaluation of an interprofessional follow-up intervention among people with type 2 diabetes in primary care—A randomized controlled trial with embedded qualitative interviews
Graue, Marit; Igland, Jannicke; Haugstvedt, Anne; Hernar, Ingvild; Birkeland, Kåre Inge; Zoffmann, Vibeke; Richards, David A; Kolltveit, Beate-Christin Hope (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)With an ageing population and improved treatments people live longer with their chronic diseases, and primary care clinics face more costly and difficult-to-treat multimorbid patients. To meet these challenges, current ... -
Fundamental nursing care in patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus: results from the ‘COVID-NURSE’ mixed methods survey into nurses’ experiences of missed care and barriers to care
Sugg, Holly; Russell, Anne-Marie; Morgan, Leila; Iles-Smith, Heather; Richards, David A; Morley, Naomi; Burnett, Sarah; Cockcroft, Emma; Thompson Coon, Jo; Cruikshank, Susanne; Doris, Faye; Hunt, Harriet A.; Kent, Merryn; Logan, Philippa; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Shepherd, Maggie H.; Singh, Sally J.; Tooze, Susannah; Whear, Rebecca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Patient experience of nursing care is associated with safety, care quality, treatment outcomes, costs and service use. Effective nursing care includes meeting patients’ fundamental physical, relational and ... -
How well do Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural Activation for depression repair anhedonia? A secondary analysis of the COBRA randomized controlled trial
Alsayednasser, Batool; Widnall, Emily; O'Mahen, Heather; Wright, Kim; Warren, Fiona; Ladwa, Asha; Khazanov, Gabriela Kattan; Byford, Sarah; Kuyken, Willem; Watkins, Ed; Ekers, David; Reed, Nigel; Fletcher, Emily; McMillan, Dean; Farrand, Paul; Richards, David A; Dunn, Barnaby D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A secondary analysis of the COBRA randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine how well Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Behavioural Activation (BA) repair anhedonia. Patients with current major depressive ... -
Impact of COVID-19 and other infectious conditions requiring isolation on the provision of and adaptations to fundamental nursing care in hospital in terms of overall patient experience, care quality, functional ability, and treatment outcomes: systematic review
Whear, Rebecca; Abbot, Rebecca; Bethel, Alison; Richards, David A; Garside, Ruth; Cockcroft, Emma; Iles-Smith, Heather; Logan, Patricia A; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Shepherd, Maggie H.; Sugg, Holly V.R.; Russell, Anne-Marie; Cruikshank, Susanne; Tooze, Susannah; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Thompson Coon, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aim This systematic review identifies, appraises and synthesizes the evidence on the provision of fundamental nursing care to hospitalized patients with a highly infectious virus and the effectiveness of adaptations to ... -
Interprofessional follow-up for people at risk of type 2 diabetes in primary healthcare–a randomized controlled trial with embedded qualitative interviews
Graue, Marit; Igland, Jannicke; Oftedal, Bjørg Synnøve Frøysland; Haugstvedt, Anne; Riise, Hilde Kristin Refvik; Zoffmann, Vibeke; Jenum, Anne Karen; Richards, David A; Kolltveit, Beate-Christin Hope (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objective To examine the effects of an empowerment-based interprofessional lifestyle intervention program among people at risk of type 2 diabetes on knowledge, skills, and confidence in self-management, health, psychological ... -
An mHealth Intervention to Improve Guardians’ Adherence to Children’s Follow-Up Care for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Tanzania (GuardiansCan Project): Protocol for a Development and Feasibility Study
Chiwanga, Faraja S.; Woodford, Joanne; Masika, Golden M.; Richards, David A; Savi, Victor; von Essen, Louise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Cancer is a leading cause of death during childhood and in low- and middle-income countries survival rates can be as low as 20%. A leading reason for low childhood cancer survival rates in low- and middle-income ... -
A multicomponent complex intervention for supportive follow-up of persons with chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled pilot study (the UTILE project)
Schäfer-Keller, Petra; Graf, Denis; Denhaerynck, Kris; Santos, Gabrielle Cécile; Girard, Josepha; Verga, Marie-Elise; Tschann, Kelly; Menoud, Grégoire; Kaufmann, Anne-Laure; Leventhal, Marcia; Richards, David A; Strömberg, Anna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Heart failure (HF) is a progressive disease associated with a high burden of symptoms, high morbidity and mortality, and low quality of life (QoL). This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and potential ... -
Nurses’ strategies for overcoming barriers to fundamental nursing care in patients with COVID-19 caused by infection with the SARS-COV-2 virus: Results from the ‘COVID-NURSE’ survey
Sugg, Holly V. R.; Richards, David A; Russell, Anne-Marie; Burnett, Sarah; Cockcroft, Emma J.; Thompson Coon, Jo; Cruickshank, Susanne; Doris, Faye E.; Hunt, Harriet A.; Iles-Smith, Heather; Kent, Merryn; Logan, Philippa A.; Morgan, Leila M.; Morley, Naomi; Rafferty, Anne Marie; Shepherd, Maggie H.; Singh, Sally J.; Tooze, Susannah J.; Whear, Rebecca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Aims To identify strategies used by registered nurses and non-registered nursing care staff in overcoming barriers when providing fundamental nursing care for non-invasively ventilated inpatients with COVID-19. Design Online ... -
Patient activation in adults attending appointments in general practice: a cross-sectional study
Hernar, Ingvild; Graue, Marit; Igland, Jannicke; Richards, David A; Riise, Hilde Kristin Refvik; Haugstvedt, Anne; Kolltveit, Beate-Christin Hope (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Patient activation refers to patients’ knowledge, confidence, skills, ability, beliefs, and willingness to manage their health and healthcare. Patient activation is an essential component of self-management and ... -
A Patient Stratification Approach to Identifying the Likelihood of Continued Chronic Depression and Relapse Following Treatment for Depression
Saunders, Rob; Cohen, Zachary Daniel; Ambler, Gareth; DeRubeis, Robert J.; Wiles, Nicola; Kessler, David; Gilbody, Simon; Hollon, Steven D.; Kendrick, Tony; Watkins, Edward; Richards, David A; Brabyn, Sally; Littlewood, Elizabeth; Sharp, Debbie; Lewis, Glyn; Pilling, Steve; Buckman, Joshua E.J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Subgrouping methods have the potential to support treatment decision making for patients with depression. Such approaches have not been used to study the continued course of depression or likelihood of relapse ... -
Presentation of the first international research network to foster high-quality clinical trials testing non-pharmacological interventions (TRACTION network)
Ferreira, Ricardo J O; Henriques, Adriana; Moe, Rikke Helene; Matos, Cristiano; Tveter, Anne Therese; Østerås, Nina; Nogueira, Paulo; Costa, Andreia Silva; Haavardsholm, Espen A.; Carmona, Loreto; Richards, David A (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Clinical trials are essential for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new treatments and health interventions. However, while pharmacological trials are well-established, non-pharmacological trials face unique challenges ... -
Role of age, gender and marital status in prognosis for adults with depression: An individual patient data meta-analysis
Buckman, Joshua E.J.; Saunders, Rob; Stott, Joshua; Arundell, Laura-Louise; O'Driscoll, Ciarán; Davies, Molly R.; Eley, Thalia C.; Hollon, Steven D.; Kendrick, Tony; Ambler, Gareth; Cohen, Zachary Daniel; Watkins, Edward; Gilbody, Simon; Wiles, Nicola; Kessler, David; Richards, David A; Brabyn, Sally; Littlewood, Elizabeth; DeRubeis, Robert J.; Lewis, Glyn; Pilling, Stephen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aims To determine whether age, gender and marital status are associated with prognosis for adults with depression who sought treatment in primary care. Methods Medline, Embase, PsycINFO and Cochrane Central were ... -
Socioeconomic Indicators of Treatment Prognosis for Adults with Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis
Buckman, Joshua E. J.; Saunders, Rob; Stott, Joshua; Cohen, Zachary D.; Arundell, Laura-Louise; Eley, Thalia C.; Hollon, Steven D.; Kendrick, Tony; Ambler, Gareth; Watkins, Edward; Gilbody, Simon; Kessler, David; Wiles, Nicola; Richards, David A; Brabyn, Sally; Littlewood, Elizabeth; Derubeis, Robert J.; Lewis, Glyn; Pilling, Stephen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Importance Socioeconomic factors are associated with the prevalence of depression, but their associations with prognosis are unknown. Understanding this association would aid in the clinical management of depression. Objective ... -
The Second Triennial Systematic Literature Review of European Nursing Research: Impact on Patient Outcomes and Implications for Evidence‐Based Practice
Richards, David A; Hanssen, Tove Aminda; Borglin, Gunilla (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background European research in nursing has been criticized as overwhelmingly descriptive, wasteful and with little relevance to clinical practice. This second triennial review follows our previous review of articles ... -
Use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in clinical diabetes consultations: study protocol for the DiaPROM randomised controlled trial pilot study
Haugstvedt, Anne; Hernar, Ingvild; Strandberg, Ragnhild Bjarkøy; Richards, David A; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Tell, Grethe S.; Graue, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Introduction Although diabetes distress is found to be associated with decreased glycaemic control among adults with type 1 diabetes, the psychological and emotional impact of living with the condition is often not recognised ... -
Use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in clinical diabetes consultations: the DiaPROM randomised controlled pilot trial
Hernar, Ingvild; Graue, Marit; Richards, David A; Strandberg, Ragnhild Bjarkøy; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Rekdal, Magne; Løvaas, Karianne Fjeld; Madsen, Tone Vonheim; Tell, Grethe Seppola; Haugstvedt, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective To pilot test the proposed DiaPROM trial components and address uncertainties associated with conducting a full-scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate whether such a trial is feasible. Design ... -
Young adults with type 1 diabetes and their experiences with diabetes follow‐up and participation in the DiaPROM pilot trial: A qualitative study
Graue, Marit; Strandberg, Ragnhild Bjarkøy; Lie, Silje Stangeland; Sigurdardottir, Árún K.; Richards, David A; Kolltveit, Beate-Christin Hope; Haugstvedt, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aim To explore young adults' experiences of outpatient follow‐up appointments, completing electronic Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), and using the Problem Areas In Diabetes (PAID) scale during the Diabetes ...