Blar i HVL Open på forfatter "Reime, Monika Alvestad"
Bereaved siblings’ stories of drug-related death
Meen, Gunhild Skipenes; Lindeman, Sari Kaarina; Reime, Monika Alvestad; Selseng, Lillian Bruland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Deaths caused by problematic substance use are an international concern. In bereavement, meaning-making is an essential activity embedded in social and cultural contexts. There is a lack of knowledge about how ... -
Discourses in residential child care and possibilities for evidence-based practice
Reime, Monika Alvestad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article explores professional discourses in the Norwegian residential child care system. It discusses how the discourses serve as constraints on and possibilities for evidence-based practice when different definitions ... -
Drug-Death Related Bereavement and Social Support
Reime, Monika Alvestad; Connor, Maja O’; Hystad, Sigurd William; Dyregrov, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The loss of a close one to drug-related death (DRD) has been characterized as a form of stigmatized bereavement, and research has shown that there is a high risk of bereavement complications. Social support can be a buffer ... -
Help and support for bereaved persons who use drugs: a qualitative study
Selseng, Lillian Bruland; Reime, Monika Alvestad; Lindeman, Sari Kaarina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Despite high rates of drug-related deaths in many countries across Europe, drug-related bereavement has been sparsely investigated. Given the fact that people using illicit drugs are at particular risk of experiencing ... -
Innovation in Bereavement Care: Research Circles as a Framework for Translation of Research-Based Knowledge
Møgster, Birthe; Selseng, Lillian Bruland; Reime, Monika Alvestad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article aims to contribute to the research-practice gap in bereavement care by exploring Research Circles as a collaborative approach to implementation of research-based knowledge into bereavement care. Particularly ... -
‘I’ve tried not to show it too much, and not burden others with my problems’: A discourse analysis of understandings of grief among siblings bereaved by drug-related deaths
Meen, Gunhild Skipenes; Reime, Monika Alvestad; Selseng, Lillian Bruland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores discourses of grief and loss among siblings bereaved by drug-related deaths. Although sociocultural context influences how grief is expressed and understood, there is a lack of knowledge about how ... -
Literature search for Parental loss – parents dead by suicide or substance abuse
Reime, Monika Alvestad; Tvedt, Marianne Nesbjørg (Research report, 2023)Search strategies for Medline, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cinahl, SocIndex, Scopus and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. -
Nature kindergartens: a space for children’s participation
Alme, Hilde; Reime, Monika Alvestad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Children’s right to participate has become internationally recognised and the early years are a pivotal phase for realising children’s rights. Knowledge of how young children can enact their right to participation in ... -
Professional helpers’ experiences of assisting the bereaved after drug-related deaths: A knowledge gap
Reime, Monika Alvestad; Løseth, Hilde-Margit; Lindeman, Sari Kaarina; Titlestad, Kristine Berg; Dyregrov, Kari; Selseng, Lillian Bruland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background and aims: Drug-related death (DRD) is a major public health concern in the Nordic countries, in the rest of Europe and in the US. After a DRD, approximately 10–15 next of kin will be left behind. People bereaved ... -
Psykososial oppfølging ved narkotikarelatert død. Nasjonal styring og lokalt handlingsrom
Reime, Monika Alvestad; Dyregrov, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Mennesker som opplever kriser, ulykker og katastrofer har krav på enhetlig, likeverdig og forsvarlig psykososial oppfølging. Artikkelen diskuterer hvilke føringer helsemyndighetenes veileder «Mestring, samhørighet og håp» ... -
Research circles as a method for implementing new services in the public health and welfare system
Møgster, Birthe; Ness, Ottar; Reime, Monika Alvestad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Co-creation has become a guiding principle in public service innovation, but more knowledge is still needed on overcoming barriers and increasing the effectiveness of co-creation processes. This study explores ... -
Youth Experiences of and Views on Un-locked Coercive Placement in Residential Child Care
Reime, Monika Alvestad; Tysnes, Ingunn Barmen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article explores Norwegian youth experiences of and views on coercive placement in un-locked residential child care institutions. Inspired by Antonovsky’s salutogenic theory, the article discusses factors that make ... -
Å tilhøre, å bli, å delta : medvirkning i overgangen fra barnevernsinstitusjon til voksenliv
Reime, Monika Alvestad; Fjær, Svanaug (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Overgangen fra barn til voksen er spesielt utfordrende for ungdom med alvorlig rus - og atferdsproblematikk i barnevernsinstitusjoner. Risikoen for et marginalisert livsløp er vel dokumentert. Artikkelen går i dybden på ...