Browsing HVL Open by Author "Northstone, Kate"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
A closer look at the relationship among accelerometer-based physical activity metrics: ICAD pooled data
Kwon, Soyang; Andersen, Lars Bo; Grøntved, Anders; Kolle, Elin; Cardon, Greet; Davey, Rachel; Kriemler, Susi; Northstone, Kate; Page, Angie S.; Puder, Jardena J.; Reilly, John J.; Sardinha, Luís B.; van Sluijs, Esther M.F.; Janz, Kathleen F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Accelerometers are widely used to assess child physical activity (PA) levels. Using the accelerometer data, several PA metrics can be estimated. Knowledge about the relationships between these different metrics ... -
Association of change in the school travel mode with changes in different physical activity intensities and sedentary time: A International Children's Accelerometry Database Study
Werneck, André O.; Jago, Russell; Kriemler, Susi; Andersen, Lars Bo; Wedderkopp, Niels; Northstone, Kate; Salmon, Jo; van Sluijs, Esther M F (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Our aim was to assess the association between changes in active travel to school and changes in different intensities of physical activity (i.e. moderate - MPA and vigorous - VPA) and time spent sedentary (SED) among ... -
Associations between accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time and the metabolic syndrome: A meta-analysis of more than 6000 children and adolescents
Renninger, Marius; Hansen, Bjørge Hermann; Steene-Johannessen, Jostein; Kriemler, Susi; Froberg, Karsten; Northstone, Kate; Sardinha, Luis; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred; Andersen, Lars Bo; Ekelund, Ulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Metabolic syndrome is increasingly prevalent in the pediatric population. To prevent an early onset, knowledge about its association with modifiable lifestyle factors is needed. Objectives: To estimate the ... -
Birth weight, cardiometabolic risk factors and effect modification of physical activity in children and adolescents: pooled data from 12 international studies
Bernhardsen, Guro Pauck; Stensrud, Trine; Hansen, Bjørge Hermann; Steene-Johannessen, Jostein; Kolle, Elin; Nystad, Wenche; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred; Hallal, Pedro C.; Janz, Kathleen F.; Kriemler, Susi; Andersen, Lars Bo; Northstone, Kate; Resaland, Geir Kåre; Sardinha, Luís B.; van Sluijs, Esther M.F.; Ried-Larsen, Mathias; Ekelund, Ulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objectives Low and high birth weight is associated with higher levels of cardiometabolic risk factors and adiposity in children and adolescents, and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and early mortality ... -
Changes in physical activity and sedentary patterns on cardiometabolic outcomes in the transition to adolescence: International Children's Accelerometry Database 2.0
Júdice, Pedro B.; Hetherington-Rauth, Megan; Northstone, Kate; Andersen, Lars Bo; Wedderkopp, Niels; Ekelund, Ulf; Sardinha, Luís B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective To examine the associations of changes in physical activity and sedentary patterns with changes in cardiometabolic outcomes from childhood to adolescence. Study design Youth from the International Children's ... -
Gender differences in the distribution of children’s physical activity: evidence from nine countries
Kretschmer, Luke; Salali, Gul Deniz; Andersen, Lars Bo; Hallal, Pedro C.; Northstone, Kate; Sardinha, Luís B.; Dyble, Mark; Bann, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Physical activity in childhood is thought to influences health and development. Previous studies have found that boys are typically more active than girls, yet the focus has largely been on differences in average ... -
The multivariate physical activity signature associated with metabolic health in children and youth: An International Children's Accelerometry Database (ICAD) analysis
Aadland, Eivind; Kvalheim, Olav Martin; Hansen, Bjørge Hermann; Kriemler, Susi; Ried-Larsen, Mathias; Wedderkopp, Niels; Sardinha, Luis B.; Møller, Niels Christian; Hallal, Pedro C.; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred; Northstone, Kate; Andersen, Lars Bo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)There is solid evidence for an association between physical activity and metabolic health outcomes in children and youth, but for methodological reasons most studies describe the intensity spectrum using only a few summary ... -
Physical activity attenuates metabolic risk of adolescents with overweight or obesity: the ICAD multi-country study
Werneck, André O.; Silva, Danilo R.; Oyeyemi, Adewale L.; Fernandes, Rômulo A.; Steene-Johannessen, Jostein; Andersen, Lars Bo; Northstone, Kate; Sardinha, Luís B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Although the benefits of physical activity (PA) at an early age are well established, there is no robust evidence of the role of PA as well as its intensities in attenuating the association between weight status ... -
Physical activity intensity, bout-duration, and cardiometabolic risk markers in children and adolescents
Tarp, Jakob; Child, Abbey; White, Tom; Westgate, Kate; Bugge, Anna; Grøntved, Anders; Wedderkopp, Niels; Andersen, Lars Bo; Cardon, Greet; Davey, Rachel; Janz, Kathleen F; Kriemler, Susi; Northstone, Kate; Page, Angie S.; Puder, Jardena J; Reilly, John J; Sardinha, Luis B; van Sluijs, Esther M F; Ekelund, Ulf; Wijndaele, Katrien; Brage, Søren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Objectives: To determine the role of physical activity intensity and bout-duration in modulating associations between physical activity and cardiometabolic risk markers. Methods: A cross-sectional study using the International ... -
Substituting prolonged sedentary time and cardiovascular risk in children and youth: a meta-analysis within the International Children’s Accelerometry database (ICAD)
Wijndaele, Katrien; White, Thomas; Andersen, Lars Bo; Bugge, Anna; Kolle, Elin; Northstone, Kate; Wedderkopp, Niels; Ried-Larsen, Mathias; Kriemler, Susi; Page, Angie S.; Puder, Jardena J.; Reilly, John J.; Sardinha, Luis B.; van Sluijs, Esther M.F.; Sharp, Stephen J.; Brage, Søren; Ekelund, Ulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background Evidence on the association between sitting for extended periods (i.e. prolonged sedentary time (PST)) and cardio-metabolic health is inconsistent in children. We aimed to estimate the differences in cardio-metabolic ... -
Tracking of total sedentary time and sedentary patterns in youth: a pooled analysis using the International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD)
van Ekris, Evi; Wijndaele, Katrien; Altenburg, Teatske M.; Atkin, Andrew J.; Twisk, Jos; Andersen, Lars Bo; Janz, Kathleen F.; Froberg, Karsten; Northstone, Kate; Page, Angie S.; Sardinha, Luis B.; van Sluijs, Esther M.F.; Chinapaw, Mai (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background To gain more understanding of the potential health effects of sedentary time, knowledge is required about the accumulation and longitudinal development of young people’s sedentary time. This study examined ... -
Variations in accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time across Europe – harmonized analyses of 47,497 children and adolescents
Steene-Johannessen, Jostein; Hansen, Bjørge Hermann; Dalene, Knut Eirik; Kolle, Elin; Northstone, Kate; Møller, Niels Christian; Grøntved, Anders; Wedderkopp, Niels; Kriemler, Susi; Page, Angie S.; Puder, Jardena J.; Reilly, John J.; Sardinha, Luís B.; van Sluijs, Esther M.F.; Andersen, Lars Bo; van der Ploeg, Hidde P.; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Flexeder, Claudia; Standl, Marie; Shculz, Holger; Moreno, Luis A.; De Henauw, Stefaan; Michels, Nathalie; Cardon, Greet; Ortega, Francisco B.; Ruiz, Jonatan; Aznar, Susana; Fogelholm, Mikael; Decelis, Andrew; Olesen, Line Grønholt; Hjorth, Mads F.; Santos, Rute; Vale, Susana; Christiansen, Lars Breum; Jago, Russell; Basterfield, Laura; Owen, Christopher G.; Nightingale, Claire M.; Eiben, Gabriele; Polito, Angela; Lauria, Fabio; Vanhelst, Jeremy; Hadjigeorgiou, Charalambos; Konstabel, Kenn; Molnár, Dénes; Sprengeler, Ole; Manios, Yannis; Harro, Jaanus; Kafatos, Anthony; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred; Ekelund, Ulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Levels of physical activity and variation in physical activity and sedentary time by place and person in European children and adolescents are largely unknown. The objective of the study was to assess the ...