Browsing HVL Open by Author "Linnerud, Kristin"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Closing the sustainable development gap: A global study of goal interactions
Linnerud, Kristin; Holden, Erling; Simonsen, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Meeting one sustainable development goal on human needs, social justice, or environmental limits can make it harder (or easier) to meet others. The extent to which countries succeed in reconciling these goals is context-specific ... -
Do people prefer offshore to onshore wind energy? The role of ownership and intended use
Linnerud, Kristin; Dugstad, Anders; Rygg, Bente Johnsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Global investments in offshore wind energy are expected to escalate over the coming decades, fueled by improvements in technology, declining costs, and increasing political support. The complexity, scale, and location of ... -
Faster, broader, and deeper! Suggested directions for research on net-zero transitions
Andersen, Allan Dahl; Geels, Frank Willem; Coenen, Lars Martel Antoine; Hanson, Jens; Korsnes, Marius; Linnerud, Kristin; Mäkitie, Tuukka; Nordholm, Amber Joy; Ryghaug, Marianne; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Steen, Markus; Wiebe, Kirsten Svenja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The growing attention to the political goal of achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century reflects past failures to alter the trajectory of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a consequence, the world now needs ... -
Five criteria for global sustainable development
Linnerud, Kristin; Holden, Erling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)A clear understanding of the global-level sustainable development concept is necessary before applying it to projects at a national, local or firm level. Such lower-level projects may concern managing production and ... -
Grand Narratives for sustainable mobility: A conceptual review
Holden, Erling; Banister, David; Gössling, Stefan; Gilpin, Geoffrey Sean; Linnerud, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The concept of sustainable mobility has had a relatively short life, first being used about 30 years ago. In that time, some progress has been made, but transport is still not contributing enough to the internationally set ... -
Natural Gas Network and Access Pricing
Linnerud, Kristin (HSF Notat, Book, 2005)Formålet med notatet er å utvikle en normative model for prising av gasstransport. Modellen tar utgangspunkt i nyere reguleringsteorier, der kontrakten mellom en regulator og en bedrift er preget av informasjonsasymmetri ... -
Ny vannkraft innen 2020: potensiale og barrierer: en spørreundersøkelse rettet mot potensielle investorer i nye kraftverk og opprusting/utvidelse av eksisterende kraftverk
Linnerud, Kristin; Holden, Erling (HSF-Notat;3-2013, Working paper, 2013)Norge og Sverige skal innen utgangen av 2020 ha satt i produksjon 26,4 TWh kraftproduksjon fra fornybare kilder. Basert på en spørreundersøkelse sommeren 2012 til alle investorer som på det tidspunktet planla eller var i ... -
A review of dominant sustainable energy narratives
Holden, Erling; Linnerud, Kristin; Rygg, Bente Johnsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The global energy system is presently unsustainable and, even worse, is on a trajectory moving away from becoming sustainable. Thus, changing the present energy system is crucial, and importantly, it is also a prerequisite ... -
Statistisk analyse med SPSS
Linnerud, Kristin; Oklevik, Ove; Slettvold, Harald (HSF Notat, Book, 2004)Dette notatet har sitt utspring i forelesninger og undervisning for 3.års studenter i økonomi og administrasjon ved høgskolen i Sogn og Fjordane. Notatet er særlig lagt opp mot undervisningen i SPSS i de to kursene ”OR ... -
Sustainable Mobility
Holden, Erling; Linnerud, Kristin (Chapter, 2015) -
Teori- og forskningsevaluering av forskningsarbeidet: Evans, J. og Green, R. (2003), "Why did British electricity prices fall after 1988?", Cambridge Working Papers in Economics CWPE 0326
Linnerud, Kristin (HSF notat, Book, 2004)I notatet gir jeg en kort presentasjon av Evans og Green sin artikkel om det britiske kraftmarkedet. Deretter gjennomfører jeg en teori- og forskningsevaluering av deres arbeid med utgangspunkt i Karl Popper sitt kriterium ... -
The Imperatives of Sustainable Development
Holden, Erling; Linnerud, Kristin; Banister, David (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The United Nations sustainable development goals are under fire. By attempting to cover all that is good and desirable in society, these targets have ended up as vague and meaningless. We suggest a model for sustainable ... -
Troublesome leisure travel: Counterproductive sustainable transport policies
Holden, Erling; Linnerud, Kristin (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this chapter, we present three well-established sustainable transport policies – developing more compact cities, building pro-environment awareness and attitudes, and promoting growth of information and communication ... -
Unpacking democracy: The effects of different democratic qualities on climate change performance over time
Selseng, Torbjørn; Linnerud, Kristin; Holden, Erling (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Given democracies’ moderate success in combatting climate change, some have questioned whether democracy makes it harder, not easier, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Two decades of research, however, has not provided ...