Browsing HVL Open by Author "Lange, Troels"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Currachs and ethnomathematics
Lange, Troels; Meaney, Tamsin Jillian; Ní Ríordáin, Marie (Lecture, 2023)Currachs are traditional boats, made of thin strips of wood, covered in cloth, but their use has declined in Ireland since the 19th century. When traditional practices need reviving or maintaining, ethnomathematics is often ... -
Discussing mathematics teacher education for language diversity
Lange, Troels; Meaney, Tamsin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)As part of a large research project about supporting preservice teachers to learn about teaching argumentation for critical mathematics education in multilingual classrooms, we outline a framework for considering the ... -
Gestures, systemic functional linguistics and mathematics education
Farsani, Danyal; Lange, Troels; Meaney, Tamsin Jillian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Gestures have been shown to reflect speakers’ embodied thinking about mathematical concepts and play a role in conveying understandings in teaching/learning interactions. However little research has been done to consider ... -
“I think it’s a smash hit”: Adding an audience to a critical mathematics education project
Lange, Troels; Meaney, Tamsin Jillian; Rangnes, Toril Eskeland (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)Although critical mathematics education has been promoted as supporting learners to engage with social justice issues, there has been little research on how learners anticipate using mathematics to make a case for a change ... -
Lek med problemer
Fosse, Trude; Lange, Troels; Meaney, Tamsin Jillian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Med gjeninnføring av lek i skolens læreplan er det behov for å vurdere hvordan lek har vært knyttet til matematikk i barnehagen. Vi bruker en modell som kobler sammen barns lek med det å stille og å løse problemer, til å ... -
Supporting Language Diversity In Mathematics Teacher Education: A Framework
Meaney, Tamsin; Lange, Troels (Lecture, 2019)Recently, we were funded to investigate how the compulsory mathematics teacher education courses for Grades 1-7 at our institution could be improved so that preservice teachers learn appropriate knowledge, skills and ... -
Teacher Narratives about Supporting Children to Read and Write in Mathematics: The Case of Kay
Lange, Troels; Meaney, Tamsin Jillian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The impact on one teacher of a short professional development project run in a school in a low socio-economic area in a small city in rural Australia is investigated in this case study. The project aimed to support teachers ... -
Unpacking the emperor’s new policies: How more mathematics in barnehage will save Norway
Lange, Troels (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The Norwegian Minister of Education is changing how mathematics in early childhood education should be viewed as part of a shifting of its main function from providing children with opportunities to develop holistically ... -
What the mathematics in the puzzles and handicrafts in 1920s Danish children’s magazines tells about childhoods
Lange, Troels; Meaney, Tamsin Jillian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The media that adults decide is appropriate for children to engage with has always reflected societal views about appropriate childhoods. However, these views can differ. Although studies have been done on the connection ...