Browsing HVL Open by Author "Kvile, Synnøve"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
From the Bedroom to the Moon: Tuning into the Relations of Children and Music through Spacetimemattering
Kvile, Synnøve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Visiting family homes to intra-view children about their relations to music open doors into family houses, digitization of music and children, trampolines, composing songs to stop climate changes, and bodies dancing before ... -
Mellom liten og stor - Tonar og ord. Ei diskursanalyse av korleis musikk kan bli forstått av elevar og produsentar i den kulturelle skulesekken
Kvile, Synnøve (Master thesis, 2011-06)Den kulturelle skulesekken (DKS) er ei ordning der skuleelevar møter kunst- og kultur. Dette føreset at nokre val har blitt teke utifrå kva som synast fornuftig og riktig å gjere i formidlinga av kunst og kultur til barn ... -
Recognising intra-actions of music and pupil
Kvile, Synnøve; Christophersen, Catharina Renate (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Music is deeply entangled with human activity and can play various roles in our lives, also in the lives of children. A large part of children’s day-to-day life in Norway takes place within a school context. However, ... -
Stretching and cracking: becoming feminist posthumanist scholars in music education
Fjeldstad, Mari Ystanes; Kvile, Synnøve; Jenssen, Runa Hestad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)How and why did three PhD fellows become feminist posthumanist scholars within the field of music education research? Drawing on Karen Barad’s theorising of phenomena, not pre-existing entities, as the primary ontological ...