Browsing HVL Open by Author "Grande, Per Bjørnar"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Imitation and the Transcendent
Grande, Per Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Imitation stems from the originary term mimesis. Imitation can be seen as a desire, something one wishes to approbate, or it may be seen as a representation of reality. In the work of René Girard (1923–2015), transcendence ... -
Imitation, Violence, and Exchange: Girard and Mauss
Grande, Per Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Is competition negative for learning? Imitation, learning, competition and innovation: A Girardian perspective
Grande, Per Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article contains a discussion on how imitation may be considered an essential premise for learning and innovation. Imitation has been considered, until lately, a wilful representation of the world. However, today ... -
Lovleg – fra venn til uvenn til bestevenn. En filosofisk analyse
Grande, Per Bjørnar (Chapter, 2020)In this article, I attempt to investigate human relationships in light of the French philosopher René Girard’s theory on mimetic desire. In the Norwegian TV series called “Lovleg”, produced by NRK, we follow a group of ... -
Mimesis and Desire : An Analysis of the Religious Nature of Mimesis and Desire in the works of René Girard
Grande, Per Bjørnar (Book, 2018)The main assumption in Mimesis and Desire. An Analysis of the Religious Nature of Mimesis and Desire in the Work of René Girard is that religion is motivated by mimesis. Mimesis is the foundation of Girardian theory. It ... -
Syndebukken og den historiske utviklingen (om René Girard, Syndebukken)
Grande, Per Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Om René Girard, Syndebukken. Oslo: Teori & praksis forlag 2020. -
Teateranmeldelser som tekster i lærerutdanning – med utgangspunkt i Det Norske Teatrets Edda, 2017
Eriksson, Stig Audun; Hallås, Bjørg Oddrun; Heide, Eldar; Brathetland, Bente Opheim; Grande, Per Bjørnar; Lyngstad, Mette Bøe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Artikkelen diskuterer 8 anmeldelser av Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Edda i 2017. Artikkelen er utviklet kollektivt, på grunnlag av en felles interesse for myter og fortellinger, forankret i forskergruppen «Mytologi, ...