Browsing HVL Open by Author "Frimanslund, Tore"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Autocatalysis in Rural Entrepreneurship: The Case of PEAK Sunnfjord
Røssevold, Janni; Frimanslund, Tore (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This paper employs ecological principles and entrepreneurial ecosystem theory to analyse, describe and conceptualise the dynamics of a rural start-up ecosystem in Western Norway. We present the idea of a set of autocatalytic ... -
Banknæringen i endring: Kan innføring av EU-direktivet PSD2 redusere banker til en ren betalingsinfrastruktur?
Thorhus, Therese Maria; Berntzen, Celina Vesterheim; Frimanslund, Tore (Chapter, 2020)I studien ser vi på hvordan EU-direktivet The Payment Services Directive (PSD2), som ble implementert i 2019, kan påvirke bankenes konkurransesituasjon, drift og strategier. Direktivet betyr at tredjepartsaktører (FinTechs, ... -
Financial Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: An Analysis of Urban and Rural Regions of Norway
Frimanslund, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Based on the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) perspective, this paper examines the role of finance and interrelated value-adding activities in ecosystems. The study employs a multiple-case design and interviews with 11 rural ... -
Lessons from a rural ecosystem
Hammer, Sivert; Frimanslund, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Entrepreneurial ecosystem theory can be described as a continuation of traditional cluster theory and regional innovation system theory, the difference being that entrepreneurial ecosystem theory takes the entrepreneur as ... -
Regional determinants of access to entrepreneurial finance: a conceptualisation and empirical study in Norwegian startup ecosystems
Frimanslund, Tore; Nath, Atanu Kumar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper presents hypotheses and a novel examination of the influence of a set of conditional factors concerning regional industries, startup culture, ecosystem collaboration and non-financial investor resources on ... -
The role of finance in the literature of entrepreneurial ecosystems
Frimanslund, Tore; Kwiatkowski, Gregory; Oklevik, Ove (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Financial access is considered a crucial element of entrepreneurship. Much of the literature focuses on how individual actors demand or supply finance, but rarely within the context of systemic entrepreneurship. The current ...