Blar i HVL Open på forfatter "Cooke, Philip"
A ground-up “Quaternary” innovation strategy for South Korea using entrepreneurial ecosystem platforms
Cooke, Philip (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper offers an account of the recent economic slowdown in the growth trajectory formerly enjoyed by South Korea as one of the first “Asian Tigers”. Indicators are provided that, unlike the others, Hong Kong, Singapore ... -
After the Contagion. Ghost City Centres: Closed “Smart” or Open Greener?
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper has three main objectives. It traces the “closed” urban model of city development, critiques it at length, showing how it has led to an unsustainable dead-end, represented in post-Covid-19 “ghost town” status ... -
Beyond the Smart or Resilient City: In Search of Sustainability in the Sojan Thirdspace †
Cooke, Philip (Journal article, 2023)This paper seeks to explore some of the issues to be welcomed but also warned against in general and’ also specified from an illustrative sample of ‘smart’ projects that caused outcomes that were neither ‘smart’ nor ... -
Callous Optimism: On Some Wishful Thinking ‘Blowbacks’ Undermining SDG Spatial Policy
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Established students and studies of sustainable urban planning and broader regional varieties of spatial evolution have been seized with ambitions to ‘make the world a better place’. To criticise that ambition would be ... -
Complex spaces: global innovation networks & territorial innovation systems in information & communication technologies
Cooke, Philip (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper brings together two related bodies of theory that assist understanding of processes of socio-technical system change on the global scale. These are, first, the Global Value Chain perspective (GVC) that has now ... -
The dark side of KIBS agency, the creative economy, and regional sustainability
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This contribution develops critique from analysing forms of misconduct by knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) firms, especially the largest, globally located and client-interactive on all five continents. Management ... -
Future shift for ‘big things’: From starchitecture via agritecture to parkitecture
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article analyses three recent shifts in what called the geography of ‘Big Things’, meaning the contemporary functions and adaptability of modern city centre architecture. We periodise the three styles conventionally ... -
Gigafactory logistics in space and time: Tesla's fourth gigafactory and its rivals
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper concerns the spatial structure of Tesla’s four ‘gigafactories’ (‘giga’ is gigawatt hour, GWh) which are located in Tesla’s first Gigafacility (1) at Sparks, near Reno, Nevada; the Solar City Gigafactory (2) at ... -
Green governance and green clusters: regional & national policies for the climate change challenge of Central & Eastern Europe
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
The lithium wars: From kokkola to the congo for the 500 mile battery
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper presents an analysis and interpretation of the current state of play in the global value network of minerals mining, refining and transformation processes in the contemporary battery industry, which will power ... -
Open Innovation, Soft Branding and Green Influencers: Critiquing ‘Fast Fashion’ and ‘Overtourism’
Cooke, Philip; Nunes, Sergio; Oliva, Stefania; Lazzeretti, Luciana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper explores digital reality replication for cultural consumption and green-digital open-system innovation, along with responsible, sustainable practices fashioned in a post-COVID-19 era. We address these after the ... -
Questionable relations: On aggressive financialised ‘assemblages’ in creative and ecologically-challenged space-economies
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this contribution, the interest is in three things, arising from a project on ‘dark’ F-KIBS clusters. This has already resulted in critical papers on management consultancy and accounting ‘assemblages’ in which such ... -
Rogue auditors: dark motivations of the Big 4 accountants in regional sustainability and the creative economy
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This contribution develops previous work analysing forms of misconduct by knowledge-intensive professional business services (P-KIBS) firms, globally located and client-interactive on all five continents. Here we focus on ... -
Silicon valley imperialists create new model villages as smart cities in their own image
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In her study of ‘Surveillance Capitalism’, Shoshana Zuboff cites Google’s parent firm Alphabet’s legal customer-purchase agreement for the parent firm’s Nest thermostats. These impose ‘oppressive privacy and security ... -
The virtues of variety in regional innovation systems and entrepreneurial ecosystems
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Today, interesting and important interconnections have been made that promise great leaps forward for innovation systems and entrepreneurial ecosystems - especially operating at the regional or sub-national level of the ... -
Three Disruptive Models of New Spatial Planning: “Attention”, “Surveillance” or “Sustainable” Capitalisms?
Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper compares and contrasts three disruptive models of potential and actual new kinds of spatial planning. These include “seasteading”, “smart neighbourhoods” and “renewable spatial systems”. Each is labelled with ...