Browsing HVL Open by Author "Bakken, Yvonne"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Early Childhood Education For Sustainability Through Contradicting and Overlapping Dimensions
Grindheim, Liv Torunn; Bakken, Yvonne; Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis; Heggen, Marianne Presthus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Purpose: The article investigates how to make a broader understanding of sustainability relevant for early childhood education (ECE) guided by the four dimensions suggested by United Nations Educational, Scientific and ... -
Tanker fra barnehagen: Personalets refleksjoner om egne erfaringer med kjønn og likestilling
Bakken, Yvonne; Lindhardt, Eva Mila (Chapter, 2021)Kapittelet undersøker om en bevisstgjøringsstrategi med fem refleksjonstrinn kan bidra til at ansatte i barnehager kan øke bevisstheten om forholdet mellom egen oppvekst og profesjonell praksis. Tema er kjønn og likestilling, ... -
The Difficult Conversation: Facilitating Students' Professional Learning and Development
Bakken, Yvonne; Carson, Nina; Ohm, Modgun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper reports on student experiences with an interdisciplinary project entitled “The Difficult Conversation”, the aim of which was to develop professional competences linked with parental cooperation in heterogeneous ... -
Unfreezing the Discursive Hegemonies Underpinning Current Versions of “Social Sustainability” in ECE Policies in Anglo–Celtic, Nordic and Continental Contexts
Sadownik, Alicja R.; Bakken, Yvonne; Gabi, Josephine; Visnjic Jevtic, Adrijana; Koutoulas, Jennifer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Social sustainability is linked to finding new ways of living together and strengthening social capital and participation, as well as to social justice and equity in societies, and it is becoming increasingly important for ... -
Ut av barnehagen! Sosial og kulturell bærekraft gjennom ekspedisjoner i nærmiljøet
Bakken, Yvonne (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)This chapter aims to show how exploration and experiences of kindergarten’s local surroundings can promote education for sustainable development. I simply give four good reasons for staff to get children outside of the ...