Browsing HVL Open by Subject "young adults"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Kardiorespiratorisk utholdenhet og evne til oppmerksomhet hos skoleelever i ung voksen-alder
(Master thesis, 2016-05-18)Bakgrunn: Tidligere forskning indikerer foreliggende sammenhenger mellom fysisk aktivitetsnivå og kognitiv funksjon. Fysisk aktivitet som øker kroppens evne til å ta opp og benytte seg av oksygen og som derfor øker evne ... -
Passion, grit and mindset in football players
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The main aim of the study was to explore the relationship between passion, grit and mindset in a group of football players in Norway. The sample had 63 participants. In three different groups in relation to age and level. ... -
Recovery of health-related quality of life after burn injuries: An individual participant data meta-analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background A prominent outcome measure within burn care is health related quality of life (HRQL). Until now, no model for long-term recovery of HRQL exists for adult burn patients which requires large samples with repeated ... -
Symptoms of depression in young adulthood is associated with unfavorable clinical- and behavioral cardiovascular disease risk factors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Depression in young adults is a growing concern to public health. This study aims to investigate if depression status in young adults is related to clinical and behavioral cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. ... -
Ungdoms lesing av bildeboka En case-studie om ungdommers møte med bildeboka Freddy (2011)
(Master thesis, 2017-05-15)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan en gruppe ungdommer leser bildebøker, og hvilken opplevelse de har av mediet. Både utgivelser, kritikker og forskning viser en utvikling som går i retning av at bildeboka er for alle ... -
Young adults at risk of early work disability: who are they?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Young adults that are not in education, training or employment represent a problem across European countries. While some are cases of temporary transitions or short-term inactivity, others represent a more ...