Browsing HVL Open by Subject "pain"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Barselkvinnens fysiske smerter fra to timer etter spontan vaginal fødsel inntil 48 timer: En scoping review
(Master thesis, 2023)Hensikt: Fa en oversikt over hvilken forskning som har blitt gjennomført om fysiske smerter hos barselkvinner fra to timer etter spontan vaginal fødsel inntil 48 timer. I studien undersøkes karakteristika, typer smerter ... -
Changes in and predictors of pain and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This longitudinal study of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) aimed to investigate changes in pain characteristics (i.e., occurrence, intensity, and interference) and covariates associated with pain ... -
(En)gendering body politics. Physiotherapy as a window on health and illness
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-02-13)The aim of this study is to gain knowledge about what patients do to negotiate possibilities and constraints for recuperative encounters with physiotherapists. The historical tenets of Norwegian physiotherapy are recapitulated ... -
Pain relief from nonpharmacological interventions in the intensive care unit: A scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aims and Objectives To describe what is known from the existing literature on nonpharmacological interventions targeting pain in patients admitted to the ICU. Background Patients receiving intensive care nursing are ... -
Physical exercise and chronic pain in university students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Physical inactivity and chronic pain are both major public health concerns worldwide. Although the health benefits of regular physical exercise are well-documented, few large epidemiological studies have ... -
Sleep and its association with pain and depression in nursing home patients with advanced dementia -a cross-sectional study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective: Previous research suggests a positive association between pain, depression and sleep. In this study, we investigate how sleep correlates with varying levels of pain and depression in nursing home (NH) patients ... -
Variations in use of childbirth interventions in 13 high-income countries: A multinational cross-sectional study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Variations in intervention rates, without subsequent reductions in adverse outcomes, can indicate overuse. We studied variations in and associations between commonly used childbirth interventions and adverse ...