Now showing items 13280-13299 of 13618

    • W and Z boson production in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV 

      Adam, Jaroslav; Adamová, Dagmar; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, G; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agrawal, Nikita; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahmad, N; Ahn, SU; Alme, Johan; Altinpinar, Sedat; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bätzing, Paul Christoph; Dordic, Olja; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Lønne, Per-Ivar; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Milosevic, Jovan; Nystrand, Joakim; Qvigstad, Henrik; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Richter, Matthias Rudolph; Røed, Ketil; Røhrich, Dieter; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Ullaland, Kjetil; Velure, Arild; Wagner, Boris; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zhang, Hui; Zhao, Chengxin; Zhou, Zhuo; Zhu, Hongsheng; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Aiola, Salvatore; Akindinov, Alexander; Alam, Sk Noor; De Albuquerque, Danilo Silva; Aleksandrov, Dimitry; Allesandro, B.; Alexandre, D; Alfaro Molina, R; Alici, A; Alkin, A; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
    • W<sup>±</sup>-boson production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV and Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV 

      Acharya, S.; Adamová, D.; Adler, A.; Aglieri Rinella, Rinella; Agnello, M.; Agrawal, N.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S.U.; Ahuja, I.; Al-Turany, M.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H.M.; Alfaro Molina, Molina; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alizadehvandchali, N.; Alkin, A.; Alme, Johan; Alocco, G.; Alt, Torsten; Anaam, M.N.; Andrei, C.; Andronic, A.; Anguelov, V.; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anuj, C.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshäuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arsene, Ionut Cristian; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Aziz, S.; Azmi, M.D.; Badalà, A.; Baek, Y.W.; Bai, X.; Bailhache, R.; Bailung, Y.; Bala, R.; Balbino, A.; Baldisseri, A.; Balis, B.; Banerjee, D.; Banoo, Z.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barlou, M.; Barnaföldi, G.G.; Barnby, L.S.; Barret, V.; Barreto, L.; Bartels, C.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Baruffaldi, F.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Battistini, D.; Bauri, D.; Bazo Alba, Alba; Bearden, I.G.; Beattie, C.; Becht, P.; Behera, D.; Belikov, I.; Bell Hechavarria, Hechavarria; Bellini, F.; Bellwied, R.; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikova, A.; Bergmann, L.; Besoiu, M.G.; Betev, L.; Bhaduri, P.P.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I.R.; Bhat, M.A.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielčík, J.; Bielčíková, J.; Biernat, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J.T.; Blidaru, M.B.; Bluhme, N.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bodova, Tea; Boi, S.; Bok, J.; Boldizsár, L.; Bombara, M.; Bond, P.M.; Bonomi, G.; Borel, H.; Bossi, H.; Botta, E.; Bratrud, Lars Karlot Stubberud; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broz, M.; Bruno, G.E.; Buckland, M.D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Bugnon, O.; Buhler, P.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J.B.; Bylinkin, A.; Bysiak, S.A.; Cai, M.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, Villar; Camacho, J.M.M.; Camacho, R.S.; Camerini, P.; Canedo, F.D.M.; Carabas, M.; Carnesecchi, F.; Caron, R.; Castillo Castellanos, Castellanos; Catalano, F.; Chakaberia, I.; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chavez, T.G.; Cheng, T.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Chibante Barroso, Barroso; Chinellato, D.D.; Chizzali, E.S.; Cho, J.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C.H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Ciacco, M.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Ciupek, M.R.; Clai, G.; Colamaria, F.; Colburn, J.S.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Conesa Balbastre, Balbastre; Conesa del Valle, del; Contin, G.; Contreras, J.G.; Coquet, M.L.; Cormier, T.M.; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M.R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crochet, P.; Cruz-Torres, R.; Cuautle, E.; Cui, P.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dainese, A.; Danisch, M.C.; Danu, A.; Das, P.; Das, P.; Das, S.; Dash, S.; De Caro, Caro; de Cataldo, Cataldo; De Cilladi, Cilladi; de Cuveland, Cuveland; De Falco, Falco; De Gruttola, Gruttola; De Marco, Marco; De Martin, Martin; De Pasquale, Pasquale; Deb, S.; Degenhardt, H.F.; Deja, K.R.; Del Grande, Grande; Dello Stritto, Stritto; Deng, W.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, Bari; Di Mauro, Mauro; Diaz, R.A.; Dietel, T.; Ding, Y.; Divià, R.; Dixit, D.U.; Djuvsland, Øystein; Dobrin, A.; Dönigus, B.; Dubey, A.K.; Dubinski, J.M.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Dupieux, P.; Durkac, M.; Dzalaiova, N.; Eder, T.M.; Ehlers, R.J.; Eikeland, Viljar Nilsen; Eisenhut, F.; Elia, D.; Erazmus, B.; Ercolessi, F.; Erhardt, F.; Ersdal, Magnus Rentsch; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Evans, D.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fan, F.; Fan, W.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Fecchio, P.; Feliciello, A.; Fernández Téllez, Tellez; Ferrer, M.B.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Feuillard, V.J.G.; Figiel, J.; Filova, V.; Fionda, Fiorella Maria Celeste; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Flores, A.N.; Foertsch, S.; Fokin, I.; Fragiacomo, E.; Frajna, E.; Fuchs, U.; Funicello, N.; Furget, C.; Gaardhøje, J.J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A.M.; Gal, A.; Galvan, C.D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia, J.R.A.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garibli, A.; Garner, K.; Gauger, E.F.; Gautam, A.; Gay Ducati, Ducati; Germain, M.; Ghosh, S.K.; Giacalone, M.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaenzer, A.M.C.; Glässel, P.; Glimos, E.; Goh, D.J.Q.; Gonzalez, V.; González-Trueba, L.H.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorgon, M.; Görlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V.; Graczykowski, L.K.; Grecka, E.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoryan, S.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J.F.; Grosso, R.; Grund, D.; Guardiano, G.G.; Guernane, R.; Guilbaud, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Guo, W.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, S.P.; Gyulai, L.; Habib, M.K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamid, M.; Han, Y.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M.R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J.W.; Harton, A.; Hasenbichler, J.A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Havener, L.B.; Heckel, S.T.; Hellbär, E.; Helstrup, Håvard; Herman, T.; Herrera Corral, Corral; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Heybeck, B.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hofman, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Honermann, J.; Hong, G.H.; Horak, D.; Horzyk, A.; Hosokawa, R.; Hou, Y.; Hristov, P.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Huhta, L.M.; Hulse, C.V.; Humanic, T.J.; Hushnud, H.; Hutson, A.; Hutter, D.; Iddon, J.P.; Ilyas, H.; Inaba, M.; Innocenti, G.M.; Isakov, A.; Isidori, T.; Islam, M.S.; Ivanov, M.; Jablonski, M.; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P.M.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaffe, L.; Jahnke, C.; Janik, M.A.; Janson, T.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Jimenez, A.A.P.; Jonas, F.; Jones, P.G.; Jowett, J.M.; Jung, J.; Jung, M.; Junique, A.; Jusko, A.; Kabus, M.J.; Kaewjai, J.; Kalinak, P.; Kalteyer, A.S.; Kalweit, A.; Karasu Uysal, Uysal; Karatovic, D.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Kashyap, V.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keijdener, D.L.D.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khan, A.M.; Khan, S.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kileng, Bjarte; Kim, B.; Kim, C.; Kim, D.J.; Kim, E.J.; Kim, J.; Kim, J.S.; Kim, J.; Kim, J.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Kitowski, J.P.; Klay, J.L.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Bösing, C.; Kleiner, M.; Klemenz, T.; Kluge, A.; Knospe, A.G.; Kobdaj, C.; Kollegger, T.; Konig, J.; Konigstorfer, S.A.; Konopka, P.J.; Kornakov, G.; Koryciak, S.D.; Kotliarov, A.; Kovalenko, O.; Kowalski, M.; Králik, I.; Kravčáková, A.; Kreis, L.; Krivda, M.; Krizek, F.; Krizkova Gajdosova, Gajdosova; Kroesen, M.; Krüger, M.; Krupova, D.M.; Krzewicki, M.; Kučera, V.; Kuhn, C.; Kuijer, P.G.; Kumaoka, T.; Kumar, D.; Kumar, L.; Kumar, N.; Kundu, S.; Kurashvili, P.; Kushpil, S.; Kvapil, J.; Kweon, M.J.; Kwon, J.Y.; Kwon, Y.; La Pointe, Pointe; La Rocca, Rocca; Lai, Y.S.; Lakrathok, A.; Lamanna, M.; Langøy, Rune; Larionov, P.; Laudi, E.; Lautner, L.; Lavicka, R.; Lea, R.; Lehrbach, J.; Lemmon, R.C.; León Monzón, Monzon; Lesch, M.M.; Lesser, E.D.; Lettrich, M.; Lévai, P.; Li, X.; Li, X.L.; Lien, Jørgen André; Lietava, R.; Lim, B.; Lim, S.H.; Lindenstruth, V.; Lindner, A.; Lippmann, C.; Liu, A.; Liu, D.H.; Liu, J.; Lofnes, Ingrid Mckibben; Loizides, C.; Loncar, P.; Lopez, J.A.; Lopez, X.; López Torres, Torres; Lu, P.; Luhder, J.R.; Lunardon, M.; Luparello, G.; Ma, Y.G.; Mager, M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maire, A.; Malik, N.M.; Malik, Qasim Waheed; Malik, S.K.; Mallick, D.; Mallick, N.; Mandaglio, G.; Manso, F.; Manzari, V.; Mao, Y.; Margagliotti, G.V.; Margotti, A.; Marín, A.; Markert, C.; Marquard, M.; Martin, N.A.; Martinengo, P.; Martinez, J.L.; Martínez, M.I.; Martínez García, Garcia; Masciocchi, S.; Masera, M.; Masoni, A.; Massacrier, L.; Mastroserio, A.; Mathis, A.M.; Matonoha, O.; Matuoka, P.F.T.; Matyja, A.; Mayer, C.; Mazuecos, A.L.; Mazzaschi, F.; Mazzilli, M.; Mdhluli, J.E.; Mechler, A.F.; Menchaca-Rocha, A.; Meninno, E.; Menon, A.S.; Meres, M.; Mhlanga, S.; Miake, Y.; Micheletti, L.; Migliorin, L.C.; Mihaylov, D.L.; Mishra, A.N.; Miśkowiec, D.; Modak, A.; Mohanty, A.P.; Mohanty, B.; Mohisin Khan, Khan; Molander, M.A.; Moravcova, Z.; Mordasini, C.; Moreira De Godoy, De; Morsch, A.; Mrnjavac, T.; Muccifora, V.; Mudnic, E.; Muhuri, S.; Mulligan, J.D.; Mulliri, A.; Munhoz, M.G.; Munzer, R.H.; Murakami, H.; Murray, S.; Musa, L.; Musinsky, J.; Myrcha, J.W.; Naik, B.; Nair, R.; Nandi, B.K.; Nania, R.; Nappi, E.; Nassirpour, A.F.; Nath, A.; Nattrass, C.; Neagu, Alexandra; Negru, A.; Nellen, L.; Nesbø, Simon Voigt; Neskovic, G.; Nielsen, B.S.; Nielsen, E.G.; Noferini, F.; Noh, S.; Novitzky, N.; Nowakowski, P.; Nystrand, Joakim Ingemar; Ogino, M.; Ohlson, A.; Oleniacz, J.; Oliveira Da Silva, Da; Oliver, M.H.; Onnerstad, A.; Oppedisano, C.; Ortiz Velasquez, Velasquez; Oskarsson, A.; Otwinowski, J.; Oya, M.; Oyama, K.; Pachmayer, Y.; Padhan, S.; Pagano, D.; Paić, G.; Palasciano, A.; Panebianco, S.; Park, J.; Parkkila, J.E.; Pathak, S.P.; Patra, R.N.; Paul, B.; Pei, H.; Peitzmann, T.; Peng, X.; Pereira, L.G.; Pereira Da Costa, Da; Perez, G.M.; Perrin, S.; Petráček, V.; Petrovici, M.; Pezzi, R.P.; Piano, S.; Pikna, M.; Pillot, P.; Pinazza, O.; Pinsky, L.; Pinto, C.; Pisano, S.; Płoskoń, M.; Planinic, M.; Pliquett, F.; Poghosyan, M.G.; Politano, S.; Poljak, N.; Pop, A.; Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.; Porter, J.; Prasad, S.K.; Prasad, S.; Preghenella, R.; Prino, F.; Pruneau, C.A.; Puccio, M.; Qiu, S.; Quaglia, L.; Quishpe, R.E.; Ragoni, S.; Rakotozafindrabe, A.; Ramello, L.; Rami, F.; Ramirez, S.A.R.; Rancien, T.A.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Räsänen, S.S.; Rath, R.; Ravasenga, I.; Read, K.F.; Redelbach, A.R.; Redlich, K.; Rehman, Attiq Ur; Reichelt, P.; Reidt, F.; Reme-Ness, H.A.; Rescakova, Z.; Reygers, K.; Ricci, R.; Richert, T.; Richter, Matthias; Riegler, W.; Riggi, F.; Ristea, C.; Rodríguez Cahuantzi, Cahuantzi; Røed, Ketil; Rogoschinski, T.S.; Rohr, D.; Röhrich, Dieter; Rojas, P.F.; Rojas Torres, Torres; Rokita, P.S.; Ronchetti, F.; Rosano, A.; Rosas, E.D.; Rossi, A.; Roy, A.; Roy, P.; Roy, S.; Rubini, N.; Rueda, O.V.; Ruggiano, D.; Rui, R.; Russek, P.G.; Russo, R.; Rustamov, A.; Rybicki, A.; Rytkonen, H.; Rzesa, W.; Saarimaki, O.A.M.; Sadek, R.; Sætre, Jon-Are; Šafařík, K.; Saha, S.K.; Saha, S.; Sahoo, B.; Sahoo, P.; Sahoo, R.; Sahoo, S.; Sahu, D.; Sahu, P.K.; Saini, J.; Sajdakova, K.; Sakai, S.; Salvan, M.P.; Sambyal, S.; Saramela, T.B.; Sarkar, D.; Sarkar, N.; Sarma, P.; Sarritzu, V.; Sarti, V.M.; Sas, M.H.P.; Schambach, J.; Scheid, H.S.; Schiaua, C.; Schicker, R.; Schmah, A.; Schmidt, C.; Schmidt, H.R.; Schmidt, M.O.; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, N.V.; Schmier, A.R.; Schotter, R.; Schukraft, J.; Schwarz, K.; Schweda, K.; Scioli, G.; Scomparin, E.; Seger, J.E.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Sekihata, D.; Selyuzhenkov, I.; Senyukov, S.; Seo, J.J.; Šerkšnytė, L.; Sevcenco, A.; Shaba, T.J.; Shabetai, A.; Shahoyan, R.; Shaikh, W.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, D.; Sharma, H.; Sharma, M.; Sharma, N.; Sharma, S.; Sharma, U.; Shatat, A.; Sheibani, O.; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shou, Q.; Siddhanta, S.; Siemiarczuk, T.; Silva, T.F.; Silvermyr, D.; Simantathammakul, T.; Simeonov, R.; Simonetti, G.; Singh, B.; Singh, B.; Singh, R.; Singh, R.; Singh, R.; Singh, V.K.; Singhal, V.; Sinha, T.; Sitar, B.; Sitta, M.; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Skorodumovs, G.; Slupecki, M.; Smirnov, N.; Snellings, R.J.M.; Solheim, Emilie Haugland; Soncco, C.; Song, J.; Songmoolnak, Arnon; Soramel, F.; Sorensen, S.; Spijkers, R.; Sputowska, I.; Staa, J.; Stachel, J.; Stan, I.; Steffanic, P.J.; Stiefelmaier, S.F.; Stocco, D.; Storehaug, Ida Torkjellsdatter; Storetvedt, Maksim Melnik; Stratmann, P.; Strazzi, S.; Stylianidis, C.P.; Suaide, A.A.P.; Suire, C.; Suljic, M.; Sumberia, V.; Sumowidagdo, S.; Swain, S.; Szabo, A.; Szarka, I.; Tabassam, U.; Taghavi, S.F.; Taillepied, G.; Takahashi, J.; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Tang, S.; Tang, Z.; Tapia Takaki, Takaki; Tapus, N.; Tarasovicova, L.A.; Tarzila, M.G.; Tauro, A.; Telesca, A.; Terlizzi, L.; Terrevoli, C.; Tersimonov, G.; Thakur, S.; Thomas, D.; Tieulent, R.; Timmins, A.R.; Tkacik, M.; Tkacik, T.; Toia, A.; Toppi, M.; Torales-Acosta, F.; Tork, T.; Torres Ramos, Ramos; Trifiró, A.; Triolo, A.S.; Tripathy, S.; Tripathy, T.; Trogolo, S.; Trubnikov, V.; Trzaska, W.H.; Trzcinski, T.P.; Turrisi, R.; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Ullaland, Kjetil; Ulukutlu, B.; Uras, A.; Urioni, M.; Usai, G.L.; Vala, M.; Valle, N.; Vallero, S.; van Doremalen, Doremalen; van Leeuwen, Leeuwen; van Veen, Veen; van Weelden, Weelden; Vande Vyvre, Vyvre; Varga, D.; Varga, Z.; Varga-Kofarago, M.; Vasileiou, M.; Vázquez Doce, Doce; Vercellin, E.; Vergara Limón, Limon; Vermunt, L.; Vértesi, R.; Verweij, M.; Vickovic, L.; Vilakazi, Z.; Villalobos Baillie, Baillie; Vino, G.; Virgili, T.; Vislavicius, V.; Volkel, B.; Völkl, M.A.; Voloshin, S.A.; Volpe, G.; von Haller, Haller; Vorobyev, I.; Vrláková, J.; Wagner, Boris; Wang, C.; Wang, D.; Weber, M.; Wegrzynek, A.; Weiglhofer, F.T.; Wenzel, S.C.; Wessels, J.P.; Weyhmiller, S.L.; Wiechula, J.; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Wilk, G.; Wilkinson, J.; Willems, G.A.; Windelband, B.; Winn, M.; Wright, J.R.; Wu, W.; Wu, Y.; Xu, R.; Yadav, A.K.; Yalcin, S.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yamakawa, K.; Yang, Shiming; Yano, S.; Yin, Zhongbaao; Yoo, I.-K.; Yoon, J.H.; Yuan, Shiming; Yuncu, A.; Zaccolo, V.; Zampolli, C.; Zanoli, H.J.C.; Zanone, F.; Zardoshti, N.; Závada, P.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, M.; Zhi, Y.; Zhou, Zhuo; Zhu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zinovjev, G.; Zurlo, N. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The production of the W± bosons measured in p–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collision sNN−−−√ = 8.16 TeV and Pb–Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV with ALICE at the LHC is presented. The ...
    • WA Interview booker 

      Hoftaniska, Emilio Samano; Nyquist, Jannecke Sundal; Winjum, Torstein (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
    • Wage Inequality’s Decreasing Effect on Enterprise Operating Revenues 

      Aarstad, Jarle; Kvitastein, Olav Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study assesses whether wage inequality affects enterprises’ operating revenues and whether operating revenues reversely affect wage inequality. To study our research questions, we analyze panel data from Norway and ...
    • Wake flow lab measurements of multi-rotor wind turbines 

      Jørs, Andreas Grodås; Mjåtveit, Torbjørn Løvik (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • Walking Children Through a Minefield: How Professionals Experience Exploring Adverse Childhood Experiences 

      Albæk, Ane Ugland; Kinn, Liv Grethe; Milde, Anne Marita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Understanding the challenges of professionals in addressing child adversity is key to improving the detection, protection, and care of exposed children. We aimed to synthesize findings from qualitative studies of professionals’ ...
    • Walking on a tightrope: caring for ambivalent woman considering abortions in the first trimester 

      Kjelsvik, Marianne; Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit; Moi, Asgjerd Litleré; Aasen, Elin Margrethe; Gjengedal, Eva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Aims and objectives To improve the understanding and competence of health personnel when caring for ambivalent pregnant women, the aim of this study is to explore the experiences of encountering women who are unsure whether ...
    • Walking on Wilton Drive: A linguistic landscape analysis of a homonormative space 

      Motschenbacher, Heiko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This study analyses the linguistic landscape of Wilton Manors, Florida, as it surfaces on its main street, Wilton Drive. Wilton Manors is a community with one of the largest LGBT populations in the US. The study thus makes ...
    • Walking through life with cerebral palsy: reflections on daily walking by adults with cerebral palsy 

      Gjesdal, Beate Eltarvåg; Jahnsen, Reidun Birgitta; Morgan, Prue; Opheim, Arve Isak; Mæland, Silje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Purpose: Walking is a major target in childhood physiotherapy for children with cerebral palsy (CP). Little information exists on the importance or value of walking when these children grow up. The aim of this study was ...
    • “Watch your steps” – Community mental health professionals’ perspectives on the vocational rehabilitation of people with severe mental illness 

      Kinn, Liv Grethe; Holgersen, Helge; Borg, Marit; Davidson, Larry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
    • Water-Thermal Energy Production System: A Case Study from Norway 

      Idsø, Johannes; Årethun, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The purpose of this paper is to describe a new way of producing renewable energy based on fjords as a water heater. We will call this system the Water-thermal Energy Production System (WEPS), because the basic idea is to ...
    • Wave energy conversion on shallow coast 

      Bevan, James Maurice; Hammersland, Eivind Selvik (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
    • Wave-induced collision loads and moments between a spar-buoy floating wind turbine and an installation vessel 

      Lande-Sudall, David; Høyven, Thomas Skinlo; Herfjord, Kjell Agnar; Thuestad, Thore Clifford (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Spar-buoy floating wind turbines (FWTs) have been deployed at full-scale off the coast of Scotland. However, their deep draught restricts their wider-suitability for assembly and installation at shallow water ports. Here ...
    • Wave: Matchmakingapplikasjon utviklet i Flutter 

      Førland, Magnus; Larsen, Markus Nipen; Aasen, Eirik Eindride Humlestøl (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
    • Way-finding on-board training for maritime vessels 

      Tvedt, Sturle Danielsen; Oltedal, Helle Asgjerd; Batalden, Bjørn-Morten; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In the maritime industry, it is of vital importance that personnel onboard ships are familiarized with the ship’s layout, along with safety equipment and processes for safeguarding of the individual seafarer and the ship’s ...
    • “We all have a responsibility”: a narrative discourse analysis of an information campaign targeting help-seeking in first episode psychosis 

      Hansen, Hege; Stige, Signe Hjelen; Moltu, Christian; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Joa, Inge; Dybvig, Sveinung; Veseth, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background Intervening at an early stage of psychosis improves the chances of recovery from first-episode psychosis. However, people who are experiencing distress and early psychotic symptoms generally seem to delay seeking ...
    • We Are All Interdependent': A Study of Relationships Between Migrant Live-in Carers And Employers in Taiwan 

      Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Ness, Tove Synnøve Mentsen; Silan, Wasiq I-An Gao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      For the past three decades, to meet the increasing need for long-term care, the Taiwanese government’s primary approach has been to import migrant care workers. In this article, we analyse qualitative interview data produced ...
    • "We are equal, but I am the leader": leadership enactment in early childhood education in Norway 

      Lund, Hilde Birgitte Hjertager (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The research on Early Childhood Education and Care leadership has mainly focused on the kindergarten manager’s perspectives. However, to fully understand leadership in ECEC settings, the middle-management level of pedagogical ...
    • We are invited to imagine: using a literary text to encourage cross-cultural dialogue about citizenship. 

      Varga, Zoltan; Rimmereide, Hege Emma; McGuinn, Nicholas; Naylor, Amanda; Syed, Ghazal Kazim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Using William Golding’s Lord of the Flies as a stimulus, researchers from Norway, Pakistan and the United Kingdom explored the potential of a literary text to encourage intercultural dialogue. The innovative research method ...